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Re: [News] Charity Killer (Intel): Proof of Corruption

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Moshe Goldfarb
on Tue, 6 May 2008 11:42:13 -0400
> On Tue, 6 May 2008 07:25:36 -0500, Sinister Midget wrote:
>> On 2008-05-06, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
>>> ____/ Homer on Tuesday 06 May 2008 11:31 : \____
>>> Stallman says he doesn't use cellphones because they are proprietary, IIRC. He
>>> was/is going to dump the Thinkpad for an OLPC for similar reasons.
>> Anybody can get along without a cell phone. A large number of people
>> do. People /can/ get along without computers, too, although smaller
>> numbers of people are willing to do so.
> Linux is all about doing without.
> Doing without proper Laptop power management.
> Doing without proper multimedia.
> Doing without a proper Office Suite.
> Doing without proper web browser plugins.
> Doing without.....that's the Linux way.

Depends on what you mean by "Linux".  Did you mean:

[1] Kernel only?  Indeed, Linux does without even a shell
a library, an SDK, or /sbin/init; one needs three of the
four to boot (the SDK is of course optional but highly
recommended, along with a compiler/linker package).
And of course booting does not include starting up an X
server in this case.

[2] Kernel + GUI?  You'll have to be more specific; my
main problem with laptop power at the moment is that I
have more important issues, but a combination of tuxonice
and Gentoo hibernate will eventually fix things, AFAICT
-- if I need them, which I generally don't as the laptop
usually runs off AC power.

As for multimedia, define "proper multimedia".
The only thing I cannot play is Shockwave-based games
and Silverlight stuff.  The former is being phased out;
the latter, I don't know.

I don't use Office Suites, as a rule.

I am curious as to what a "proper web browser plugin" is.  Did you mean:

   [A] ActiveX?
   [B] Mozilla Firefox?
   [C] Some sort of standardized plugin?

[C] would be far preferable but I'm not aware of any
standardization in that area yet.  [A], of course, is the
standard default.

> So is Stallman going to do without a flush toilet
> because Kohler won't reveal their preparatory secrets
> for toilet bowl manufacturing?

You'd have to ask him.

> The OSS/Linux movement is pure idiocy.

That it is, in some respects.  The flip side, of course,
is a reprisal of the Word95->97 fiasco.  But never mind that;
everyone needs to upgrade, right?

>>> Freedom != convenience.
> ....and in the realm of Linux it != quality either.

Perhaps you'd like to enumerate the bugs?  That way, someone out there
might fix 'em.

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Useless C++ Programming Idea #8830129:
std::set<...> v; for(..:iterator i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); i++)
    if(*i == thing) {...}
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