On Tue, 20 May 2008 15:19:07 -0400, Moshe. Goldfarb wrote:
> On Tue, 20 May 2008 03:06:07 -0400, Rick wrote:
>> Moshe. Goldfarb wrote:
>>> On Tue, 20 May 2008 20:06:04 +0200, Hadron wrote:
>>>> Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>>>> In article <11138653.Y98ofzykqn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>>>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>>> I made a snapshot of the pages earlier today. The thing was all
>>>>>> about Microsoft and Visual Basic, which many people found
>>>>>> appalling. SourceForge is selling out.
>>>>> A more accurate statement would be that you have no clue as to what
>>>>> open source and free software are.
>>>> Roy honestly thinks Open Source is Linux only. He is *clueless*. And
>>>> to think the taxes the revenue receives for people buying MS Products
>>>> built and maintains that University he hangs around freeloading in.
>>> Everything looks ideal from behind the rose colored walls of academia.
>>> It's only when a person escapes the confines of the left wing
>>> brainwashing machine that is so typical of academia that one learns
>>> how to survive in the real world.
>>> This is usually accomplished by the person un-learning much of what
>>> was fed to him in school.
>>> I would say Roy Schestowitz has about 10 years worth of un-learning to
>>> do.
>> I would say no amount of un-learning would fix you.
> You're correct.
Thanks for admitting you can't be fixed. Broken to the end, you are.
> I don't have to unlearn anything because after I graduated from college
> with my BSEE I promptly forgot everything my professors told me that
> wasn't related to factual content, like f=ma for example.
> It took me about 2 months to figure out that my system needed to be
> purged of all the left wing garbage I was fed in college. That was in
> the 70's and 80s.
> It's much, much worse now.