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[News] Palm Talks About Its Linux Sofwtare in JP Morgan Tech Show

JP Morgan Tech Show: Palm Sees Software Lifting its Fortunes

,----[ Quote ]
| Well, on the way to that Linux software, Palm hopes to return to increasing 
| sales and return to profitability a couple of ways, said Brown: one, the 
| Centro, is available at 10 carriers now and will be spreading to more 
| carriers globally. That’s important, because the Centro sells for as little 
| as $49, at AT&T, which means Palm has to make up the sales on volume. Her 
| wouldn’t confirm if the Centro will be offered by Verizon Communications’s 
| (VZ) Verizon Wireless unit, as rumored.      



The New Pocket PCs

,----[ Quote ]
| That will change in 2009, according to Palm's vice president of smartphone
| product marketing, Stephane Maes. The company is developing its own modern,
| Linux-based OS, which will replace Palm OS by the end of the year. It will
| have a flexible interface and a very easy development environment, and it
| will focus on integrating personal information, Maes says.


Does ACCESS threaten Windows Mobile? (Video demonstration & interview.)

,----[ Quote ]
| This year ACCESS released their first new platform with PalmSource. The 
| platform looks like older Palm OS versions. However, it was developed based 
| on Linux, provides true multitasking, improved graphics and single finger 
| navigation. It has a number of other enhancements as well.   
| Third party applications developed for Palm OS devices work on ACCESS' new 
| platform. So Palm OS customers can migrate to ACCESS without giving up their 
| existing software. Palm OS developers can easily write new applications for 
| ACCESS. Also, most of the existing 30 thousand Palm OS third party software 
| titles can be purchased for use on ACCESS devices.    


Google claims 'Non-existent' Android beats everything but the Jesus Phone

,----[ Quote ]
| "There are certain apps you just can’t build on an iPhone," Miner 
| said. "Apple doesn’t let you do multiprocessing. They don’t let your app run 
| in the background after you switch to another. And they don't let you have 
| interpretive language in your iPhone apps."   


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