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Re: Linux estimated on at least 3% of all desktops

Hash: SHA1

____/ William Poaster on Monday 24 November 2008 09:39 : \____

> On Mon, 24 Nov 2008 01:04:07 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> ____/ Richard Rasker on Sunday 23 November 2008 23:33 : \____
>>> Hadron wrote:
>>>> Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
>>>>> BTW, I'd like to know if anyone knows of more precise figures, as
>>>>> these are mostly rough estimates.
>>>> We know. Your numbers are notoriously misleading and inaccurate. You
>>>> cried "Wolf!" once too often to ever be believed by anyone but the most
>>>> zealous and sycophantic COLA arselicker. So Liarnut will probably
>>>> believe you. Mind you, he believes that MS's drop in stock prices
>>>> indicates a surge for Linux and the end of MS .....
>>> ... And yes, right on cue! A mere three minutes between my posting and
>>> your foul language, personal attacks and you crying wolf^H^H^H^H"liar"
>>> once over.
>>> Well done, that man. Now go play in the sandbox again, and keep telling
>>> the other Wintoddlers there that Linux has only 0.5% after all, and that
>>> any other figures are all lies :-)
>>> Richard Rasker
>> You've missed a very big portion there. In the developing world, Debian
>> (whether customised/localied or not) is hugely popular. In Brazil, for
>> instance, I hear that about 8% run a flavour of GNU/Linux, but usually a
>> distro you never heard of. In fact, based on millions of hits in a site,
>> 1/3 are unspecified GNU/Linux distribtuion, probably with some obscure
>> name like Molinux.
>> The 3% figure is conservative, but Gartner, which is funded by Microsoft,
>> puts it at 4%.
> I don't (unfortunately) have a direct link for this, but in 2005 Microsoft
> Executives deposed in **sworn testimony** before Courts, & in every
> quarterly SEC filing since then, that Linux users made up over 17% of all
> Internet users with a growth rate of >3% per annum.
> Now who would know the competition better than Microsoft!
> Or were they making up the figures, & thus lying under oath in court &
> lying to the SEC?

I can't talk for other sites, but BoycottNovell, which serves about 4 million
hit/month, sees more GNU/Linux users than Windows or just about the same.
These users don't gravitate towards Microsoft studies, ad firms, MSN.com and
other useless places that happily _GIVE AWAY LOGS WITH IPS!!!_ (i.e. exposing
their visitors' every move).

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz      | Viruses to Linux are like cancer to a shark
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