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Re: Impressive. 38 Articles to the group each one 4 minutes apart.

After takin' a swig o' grog, Ezekiel belched out
  this bit o' wisdom:

> "Chris Ahlstrom" <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
> news:xHZUk.90466$XB4.22034@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> After takin' a swig o' grog, Ezekiel belched out
>>  this bit o' wisdom:
>>> "Chris Ahlstrom" <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>>> He doesn't automate it, Zeke.  Typing mistakes in the posts are too 
>>>> common
>>>> for that.  At best, he saves them in files and then loads the files.
>>> Why... because he says so. The facts show a different story.
>>>> Start talking more sensibly.
>>> Start looking at the facts Chris and don't ignore them simply because an
>>> "advocate" claims otherwise.
>> I'd go for Roy's claims over your claims.
> Instead of believing "claims" why don't you use your head and look at the 
> facts. It's practically impossible to post that much material that quickly 
> without automation.
> Screw the claims. How about some common sense for a change?

Dude, I don't buy your every-two-second bullshit.  I've watch Roy's posts
come in.  They come in at a rate consistent with reading them in manually
from a file into a text editor, and then posting them.

	"Of course it's the murder weapon.  Who would frame someone with
	a fake?"

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