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Re: Impressive. 38 Articles to the group each one 4 minutes apart.

Chris Ahlstrom <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> After takin' a swig o' grog, Ezekiel belched out
>   this bit o' wisdom:
>> "Chris Ahlstrom" <linonut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message 
>>> He doesn't automate it, Zeke.  Typing mistakes in the posts are too common
>>> for that.  At best, he saves them in files and then loads the files.
>> Why... because he says so. The facts show a different story.
>>> Start talking more sensibly.
>> Start looking at the facts Chris and don't ignore them simply because an 
>> "advocate" claims otherwise.
> I'd go for Roy's claims over your claims.

Yes. Because you're a sycophantic arse kisser. You never actually LOOK
at the evidence. You just tow the COLA gang line to be part of the
party. Try thinking for yourself. Thinking is SO important.

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