After takin' a swig o' grog, High Plains Thumper belched out
this bit o' wisdom:
> DFS wrote:
>> Only for the broke in the world.
> Of course, it is foolish to argue with this troll as it relies heavily on
> ad hominem attacks.
>> Not everyone, but many many millions. I've hardly played any games in
>> about two years now, but I remember well the intense fun to be had with
>> some of them. Modern gaming on a decent Windows PCs can be a
>> transcendent experience. Linux can't compete.
> See above.
See below.
See below.
Misleading URL. It's actually 25 games.
eagle May 25th, 2007 at 10:46 pm
Is Tux Racer destined to be on every "Best of Linux Games" list
forever and ever? Check out this list for a list of high quality games
that actually came out this year, before adding games from six years ago
and games that are not even out (like QW:ET)
"This list" is:
Anyway, that's more games than I'll ever play.
When Dexter's on the Internet, can Hell be far behind?"