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[News] GNU/Linux Very Big on the Mainframe

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Linux: The Latest MF Operating System?

,----[ Quote ]
| Mainframes (MF) in the news again? Can it be or did I just wake up in 1980 
| all over again? It's true (the Mainframe part not 1980) that we are now 
| looking backward for our future in virtualization and Cloud Computing using 
| Linux as the delivery system. Mainframes have a 40-year history with 
| virtualization--in fact, the IBM System z's z/VM is a Type-1 hypervisor--like 
| VMware's ESX and Xen.     


"We should dedicate a cross-group team to come up with ways to leverage Windows
technically more."

                --Jim Allchin, Microsoft felon


IBM aims for Linux customers with 'baby' mainframe

,----[ Quote ]
| IBM is targeting midsize business customers that use Linux with a new "baby"
| mainframe that costs just a fraction of the amount charged for the high-end
| mainframe IBM released in February.


IBM: Mainframes enjoying global resurgence

,----[ Quote ]
| In an email note, Madan Sheina, senior analyst at Ovum, said Cognos's recent
| move to put business-intelligence (BI) software on the IBM System z mainframe
| running Linux indicates that mainframes are far from being legacy systems.


SUSE-Linux-on-IBM-loaned mainframe becomes teaching ground

,----[ Quote ]
| While most computer science students learn skills on x86 servers, their
| counterparts at the University of Arkansas will now get hands-on experience
| on a new IBM system z900 running Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise.


Attack Unleashed for New Microsoft Mainframe Bug

,----[ Quote ]
| Hackers have released code that could be used to take control of a server
| running Microsoft's Host Integration Server 2006, used to connect mainframe
| applications to Windows PCs.


Company without a name unveils mainframe Solaris

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| z/VM is one of the ways that IBM and its partner commercial Linux
| distributors - Red Hat and Novell - support Linux on the mainframe. But Linux
| also runs natively on top of the Processor Resource/Systems Manager (PR/SM)
| hypervisor that is nearly two decades old and that supports z/OS, Linux,
| z/VM, z/VSE, and TPF operating systems.


IBM's System z10 Business Class Offers Mainframe Performance

,----[ Quote ]
| For the operating system, the Business Class mainframe can run either the
| traditional z/OS operating system or what IBM calls z/Linux, or Linux on
| System z. The Business Class mainframe will also offer 120GB of main system
| memory, and IBM will boost that to 248GB in June 2009.


Winn-Dixie turns IT, once a liability, into an asset

,----[ Quote ]
| It is running a combination of eight general-purpose mainframe processors, as
| well as specialty engines, which process workloads for the database and Linux
| applications. The setup's virtualization capabilities and scalability make
| it "a tremendously leveragable asset," he said.
| [...]
| Charles King, an analyst at Pund-IT Inc. in Hayward, Calif., said IBM's
| mainframe effort is being helped by those users who want their mainframes to
| do more work, not less. Linux support running on the specialty processor is
| apparently helping as well. "IBM's pitch of using the mainframe as a
| consolidation platform has been resonating," he said.


Big Blue serves up green project

,----[ Quote ]
| Under the project, IBM will replace 3,900 smaller servers with 30 IBM System
| z9 mainframes running Linux and virtualisation software.  


Have Mainframe Skills, Will Travel

,----[ Quote ]
| Mainframes are more than just house-sized computers that store data on
| punchcards. In fact, they're enjoying a bit of a revival, and corporate
| demand is pushing the halls of academia to churn out IT pros with mainframe
| knowledge.  


The Year of the Linux Desktop Turns Out to be the Year of the Linux Mainframe

,----[ Quote ]
| think this is a big year for desktop Linux, but last week there was an
| amazing announcement from IBM that people may have missed. IBM rolled out
| their new z10 mainframe running Linux and it does not disappoint.



The Return of the Mainframe  

,----[ Quote ]
| IBM this week introduced the first major overhaul to its System z mainframe
| line in three years. This latest Big Iron from IBM could be a welcome
| development for the company, which has seen its mainframe business struggle
| for several months.  
| [...]
| While IBM talks primarily Linux, Mann said there's also the zOS side, the
| mainframe's native operating system that still has plenty of potential
| use. "IBM is getting into universities to teach zOS and old style
| programming, PL/1 and COBOL, on the z Series," he said.  
| [...]
| But that's just IBM selling to its existing customer base. King things the
| company needs to sell beyond that, which is its real challenge. "I would
| expect the type of company that would be interested in z Series would already
| be using the platform. I can't see them selling this into HP and Dell
| datacenters," he said.    


Spectrum Auction: The C-Block Bidding Stalls at $4.7 Billion

,----[ Quote ]
| We won’t know who the high bidder is until the auction is completed for all
| the other smaller licenses, which could take weeks. Since no more than one
| bid was received in each round, there may have been one company bidding all
| along.  


Young mainframers' group gains momentum

,----[ Quote ]
| ZNextGen, an organization aimed at young mainframe programmers, has gained
| significant momentum since it was created roughly two years ago through IBM
| and its user group, SHARE, according to its leaders.  


Did Microsoft ruin SCO?

,----[ Quote ]
| Which comes to the scenario in mind. Gates approaches McBride and puts forth
| a proposition that SCO should try and make money out of Linux. He offers to
| bankroll the operation in a backhanded manner and then steps back to watch
| the action unfold. His reasoning for doing this? To have a test run before he
| puts Microsoft through the same paces. Either way he wins.    


Novell Makes it Easier to Start With Linux on IBM's System z Mainframe

,----[ Quote ]
| Novell today announced the availability of the SUSE® Linux Enterprise Server
| Starter System for System z, a pre-built installation server that simplifies
| the installation of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on IBM's System z
| mainframes. The starter system eliminates the need for IT managers to search
| for network access to installation media on the mainframe. With the new
| Starter System for System z, customers can quickly initiate evaluations of
| SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for System z.      


User-group study: Mainframes live on through SOA

,----[ Quote ]
| Mainframes like IBM's System z are integral to SOA almost by default because
| they contain a large portion of the world's business information, the study
| suggests. Thirty percent of respondents who work for companies with 10,000 or
| more employees said between 51 percent and 75 percent of their company's data
| is managed and stored on a mainframe, according to the study.    


IBM Faces EU Antitrust Complaint by Mainframe Maker [friend of Microsoft]

,----[ Quote ]
| International Business Machines Corp., the world's biggest computer-services
| company, is accused in a European Union complaint filed by a
| mainframe-computer maker of refusing to supply data needed for compatible
| products.  


IBM upgrades z/VSE mainframe OS for wider ecommerce and Linux use

,----[ Quote ]
| IBM has upgraded its z/VSE mainframe operating system to further support
| ecommerce and widening Linux use.


Big Iron lives on

,----[ Quote ]
| These Linux-only processors are priced approximately 90 percent
| lower than a processor utilised for a traditional mainframe workload.


Top 500 Supers: Moore's Law Is Alive and Well

,----[ Quote ]
| There are two Windows-based clusters, and 42 machines that run a mix
| of operating systems--and one of those operating systems in the mix is
| always a Linux and the other is a variant of Unix. If you want to be
| fair, Linux is represented on 86 percent of the machines...


Linux drives a mainframe revival

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux may not be everyone?s idea of a mainframe operating system,
| but for a growing number of large and medium-sized businesses
| the synergy between Linux and big iron is the solution to as
| ignificant problem.


Mainframe in comeback mode

,----[ Quote ]
| We have over 1,300 independent software vendors who work with the
| Mainframe. We have 300 to 400 in the Linux arena. We have many
| business partners and some integrators too, that we work with.


IBM and Oracle Agreement Strengthens Mainframe Computing, IDC Says

,----[ Quote ]
| IBM and Oracle announced this initiative to collaborate on the sales
| and marketing of a series of enterprise business solutions with
| Oracle applications and technology for Linux on System z on
| October 24, 2006. It targets the business requirements of large
| and medium size enterprise customers and meets growing marketd
| emand, complementing a series of investments IBM and Oracle have
| made in support of Linux as an enterprise application platform.


Linux-on-Mainframe Apps Up 100%: IBM

,----[ Quote ]
| IBM recently reported a 390% jump in mainframe sites running Linux.
| It says more than 60% of its mainframe revenue is now coming from
| new workloads, with approximately 20% of the revenue and 30% of the
| MIPS coming from Linux customers, which is what has the ISVs
| interested.


IBM touts mainframes to India

,----[ Quote ]
| It wants large and mid-sized companies to consider running Linux
| virtual machines on a mainframe instead of stand-alone servers.
| It argues that not only does it bring operational efficiency -
| there's just one machine to house and manage - but it has
| performance advantages too, as a mainframe copes with demand
| spikes better than a rack-mount server

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