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Re: New Qt/MySQL-based Software Targets Medicare

Hash: SHA1

____/ The Ghost In The Machine on Friday 17 October 2008 21:37 : \____

> On Oct 17, 8:12 am, "Moshe Goldfarb." <brick.n.st...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 14:28:54 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> > Hash: SHA1
>> > MedinTux needs french to english translators to spread worldwide
>> Why are Linux users always begging for something?
> Why indeed?  We should just accept Microsoft standards
> and have done with it.  After all, Microsoft knows
> best (as it is by far the biggest software company ever).
> (Yes, Teranews is borked again.)

Maybe it's just down and they don't bother fixing it because of neo-fascists
that decided to censor USENET with defensible excuses.

Comcast to shut down free Usenet access

,----[ Quote ]
| Comcast is just the latest of the large ISPs to buckle under to MAFIAA
| pressure from the music and movie cartels, but that doesn't mean that they
| deserve to get away with this.


Usenet: Not Dead Yet

,----[ Quote ]
| Over the last few years, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)
| and other organizations looking to eliminate the illegal swapping of digital
| media files have attacked the problem through the courts, publicity
| campaigns, and other means.


Comcast, NetZero latest providers to bow to Cuomo's Usenet campaign

,----[ Quote ]
| But in reality, Cuomo's pressure tactics have misfired. They led Time Warner
| Cable to pull the plug on some 100,000 Usenet discussion groups, including
| such hotbeds of illicit content as talk.politics and
| misc.activism.progressive. Verizon Communications deleted such unlawful
| discussion groups as us.military, ny.politics, alt.society.labor-unions, and
| alt.politics.democrats. AT&T and Time Warner Cable have taken similar steps.


Verizon offers details of Usenet deletion: alt.* groups, others gone

,----[ Quote ]
| Cuomo claimed that his office found child porn on 88 newsgroups--out of
| roughly 100,000 newsgroups that exist. In a press release, he took credit for
| the companies' blunderbuss-style newsgroup removal by saying: "We are
| attacking this problem by working with Internet service providers...I commend
| the companies that have stepped up today to embrace a new standard of
| responsibility, which should serve as a model for the entire industry."
| [...]
| What this means in practice is that, thanks to the New York state attorney
| general, Verizon customers will lose out on innocent discussions. Verizon is
| retaining only eight newsgroup hierarchies, even though over 1,000
| hierarchies exist.


Usenet Villified In NY Deal With ISPs

,----[ Quote ]
| Time Warner Cable will turn off all newsgroup access, while Sprint plans to
| cut access to the whole alt.* segment. Verizon may follow Sprint's example.
| Blocking all newsgroups does appear to be a broad approach to a problem
| involving a minority of such groups. As with the Internet in general, not
| everything in Usenet poses a threat. But no one wants to be tainted with even
| a suggestion of being soft on child porn, hence the rush to apply censorship
| with a sweeping axe rather than a skillfully-wielded scalpel.


- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

Roy S. Schestowitz     | Vista - Windows for zombies (and human beings)
http://Schestowitz.com  | Free as in Free Beer |  PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
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