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Re: [News] Big GNU/Linux Distro Shower Approaching

Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:
On Wed, 03 Sep 2008 10:32:36 +0100, Phil Da Lick! wrote:

Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:
On Tue, 02 Sep 2008 09:48:53 +0100, Phil Da Lick! wrote:

DFS wrote:
Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:
On Mon, 01 Sep 2008 19:36:05 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:

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The upcoming release season
A great new distribution to try every month. With Windows, one has
to wait years for a downgrade (Vista).
That's because Windows works and Linux doesn't......

BTW mentioning 'Linux' and 'Shower' in the same sentence is an




Unless it's a golden shower. Linux is plenty willing to piss all over its victims.
Even if true [doubtful], better than being shit on by a certain outfit from redmond.
I dunno.,....
I think I would pretty much call that one a draw....

I wouldn't for two reasons:
1) there are plenty of distros around - if you dont like one you can always try another and 2) they're all free as in free speech, unlike redmondware. What you see is what you get whether you like it or not. Don't like MAFIAA droppings? Tough shit. Don't like NSA backdoors? Tough shit. Don't like swiss cheese security and incompetence of such? Tough shit.

Uhhh, I was talking about being shit on or pissed on.
Both kinda nasty, don't ya think?

However, to address your reply I don't have a problem with the million
distribution march however my opinion is that it is hurting Linux.
Too much confusion, duplication and fragmentation.

As for the NSA stuff I have yet to see any definitive proof on that one.
SLES Linux has some rumors floating around about NSA back doors as well.

If true, I'm sure mickeysoft had very little choice in the matter. That's not the point though.

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