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Re: [News] Biden and the MAFIAA Against Technology, Defence Attorney

On Fri, 26 Sep 2008 09:17:09 +0100, Phil Da Lick! wrote:

> Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:
>> On Thu, 25 Sep 2008 16:12:20 +0100, Phil Da Lick! wrote:
>>> Moshe Goldfarb. wrote:
>>>> Politicians are crooks, 99 percent of them.
>>> 100% mate. Those that aren't in the pocket of big business are "career 
>>> politicians" who will say *anything* to get as high up the ministerial 
>>> ladder as they can then go to a high paid job in the city when they get 
>>> voted out. Here in the UK any MP that serves one 4 year term now gets a 
>>> gold plated pension when they retire so these guys are literally 
>>> laughing all the way to the bank.
>>>> If they aren't being bribed, oops, *lobbied* by one side, they are doing
>>>> such for the other side.
>>>> Big business runs the USA, and the world in fact.
>>> Sadly true. One day there'll be a revolution...
>> I think it may be starting in the USA where people are really mad about the
>> US Govt bailing out the fat cats on Wall street.
>> They are actually taking time out of Oprah and Reality TV to get involved.
>> The problem is both candidates are empty suits only in different ways.
> This debate is going on over here. Our politicians are a little less 
> "showbiz" so our primary question based show "Question Time" is a semi 
> formal affair but last night they were talking about this and it was 
> obvious the audience was *not* impressed that these tosspots gamble with 
> other people's money and get rewarded for failure (either their own, or 
> causing other people/companies to fail).

This financial situation a very, very serious and not only for the USA but
for the entire world because it is going to be a domino effect should it
totally collapse.
And it might very well.

I guess in one respect Schestowitz was / is correct in that the people at
the top of these troubled institutions are looking at some serious charges
should their financial dealings and self promoting methods be uncovered.
Not that anyone trusts these CEO sob's but more that most people, myself
included to some degree, just shrug and say what can be done, the fact cats
take care of their own, money talks etc.

Well it appears their mismanagement has caught up with them and as the FBI
investigates I suspect some very serious charges are going to arise.

I'm hoping the people in USA take to the streets.

I'll bet if the govt took away sports or American Idol (a hideous show)
they would be protesting.

One thing I admire about EU is that the people take a lot less crap from
their govt and they do take to the streets, Italy, France and GB are places
where this regularly happens.
I don't agree with all the car overturning and violence however, but I
suppose that's just the way war is, and this is war.

Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps from around the globe.
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