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[News] What GNU/Linux Does Which Windows Cannot

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10 cool things you can do with Linux and not with windows

,----[ Quote ]
| 1. Install a bleeding edge 3d desktop environment on affordable hardware.
| I've seen compiz running on extremely (from my view) low end hardware. With 
| incredible results. I'm not saying this is something I would advice you to 
| do, because it does eat resources. But it is possible there's a choice and if 
| you like visual effects on the desktop, there's no match for it.   
| If you would like something like this on windows you 're going to need 
| bleeding edge hardware. 



Things I can do in Linux that I can't do on Windows.

,----[ Quote ]
| # Update every single piece of software on my system with a single 
|   action...
| # Update nearly everything on my computer without a reboot...
| # Keep my system secure without software that consumes my system resources, 
|   requires my time, and frequently nags me...
| # Run an entire operating system for free without pirating software,
|   and without breaking the law...
| #  Take my settings with me where ever I go...
| # Run Internet Explorer 5.0, 5.5, 6.0, and 7.0 on the same desktop...
| # Understand everything that is going on in my computer...
| # Customize every aspect of my desktop...
| # Benefit from competition between projects for each system on my 
|   computer...
| # Run thousands of great pieces of software that only run on Linux...
| # Learn about, support, and appreciate the value of free software... 

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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