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[News] Sub-notebooks Victors Against Microsoft & Inflated Margins

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Top 5 Netbook Linux Distributions

,----[ Quote ]
| Hi there! Have you already jumped onto the netbook bandwagon? I currently own 
| a MEDION PC, a MacBook and a Nokia E71, but my inner-geek still craves for a 
| cool little Linux netbook. Sub-notebooks are great stuff: they are, like 
| Linus Torvalds said in a recent interview, “laptops done right”. You can 
| carry them around, they are light, small and cheap so you do not have to 
| worry as much if you lose, or break them. At the same time though, you can do 
| some serious work with thee mini laptops.      


Microsoft's revenues will continue to fall. It can't compete against Free (and


The Cold Numbers of Microsoft’s Netbook/Linux Nightmare

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| It’s no secret that Microsoft isn’t doing too well in the netbook market.
| There has been a lot of speculation in the blogosphere to the extent of the
| financial damage. We did the heavy lifting and dug up the real numbers to
| accurately quantify what’s going on and what it means (hint: developers are
| getting laid off!).
| In this analysis we make the case that the rise of netbooks does not bode
| well for the company. For the first time, Linux is not only a real threat but
| is whacking MSFT’s bottom line. Long term, Microsoft’s OS business model is
| threatened.
| [...]
| Developers are the lifeblood of a software company. Microsoft’s ability to
| deliver innovative products is being stung by Linux in the netbook market.
| Unless Microsoft 7 is a hit, this trend will accelerate. Unfortunately for
| MSFT, Windows 7’s is based off of Vista and its cheapest version will limit
| users to running 3 programs at a time.


Netbooks: A Curse or a Blessing in an Imploding PC Market?

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| Linux has proved to be a very popular operating system choice on netbooks.
| Companies like Hewlett-Packard have even gone so far as to customize Linux on
| their systems in the hopes of a unique, distinctly un-Windows experience. The
| HP Mini 1000 Mi Edition computer, for example, actually runs on a modified
| version of Ubuntu Linux, but you would never know it.


The Netbook Windfall

,----[ Quote ]
| Just the existence of desktop Linux—a second source for the OS, as PC
| builders have a second source for everything else—means a shift of
| negotiating power. There's still a lot of network value in a copy of
| Microsoft Windows because of all the compatible products out there. But,
| thanks to hard-working Linux driver writers, "driverless" USB class-compliant
| devices, and the rise of web-based applications to take the place of
| shrink-wrapped Win32 applications, the difference in network value is less
| and less at the low end of the market. There's a higher difference in Windows
| and Linux network value when you move up from a basic web browsing, word
| processing machine to either content creation (where more of the leading
| applications aren't out for Linux) or small business (where customers want
| Windows-only vertical apps and Intuit QuickBooks.)
| So today, the negotiating power that PC builders get from the threat of
| desktop Linux is only at the low end. Jim Zemlin at the Linux Foundation goes
| straight to the source: a Microsoft earnings report. "Client revenue declined
| 8% as a result of PC market weakness and a continued shift to lower priced
| netbooks." Even stuck at the low end, desktop Linux is making Microsoft's
| product cheaper. Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols writes, "Well, I think Microsoft
| is offering some very sweet deals to the OEMs to make sure that XP gets a lot
| of play."


Netbooks are a win for Microsoft? Think again.

,----[ Quote ]
| And given that price is the most important element of the netbook market, the
| moment Microsoft feels they've solidified their market share and being
| raising prices, their share will vaporize.  Linux's existence on netbooks
| will continue to create a loss for them, regardless of how much "market
| share" they have.  And the best part is, as people get used to Linux on the
| netbooks, they'll eventually want it on the desktop as well.  And that's
| something that Microsoft will do anything to avoid.


Microsoft Leaves the Door Wide Open for Linux on Netbooks

,----[ Quote ]
| Windows 7 Starter Edition will also be made available to OEM's for
| installation on netbooks in all markets. This is presumably so that MS can
| finally end the sales of Windows XP to the netbook makers. I find it
| hilarious that Microsoft will offer such a limited, pathetic product for the
| netbook market. This will be a huge opportunity for the Linux community to
| educate the public about the plethora of free, feature complete Linux
| distributions available to run on their netbooks.


Cheap PCs Weigh on Microsoft

,----[ Quote ]
| But most netbooks have less processing power than their full-featured cousins
| and can’t run high-spec versions of Windows, the world’s most widely used
| operating system. Microsoft is selling netbook makers cheaper, lighter
| versions of its operating system, but some manufacturers cut it out
| altogether by using Linux, an open-source OS. About 30% of netbooks, which
| sell for as little as $300, run a version of Linux.


Will the netbook cannibalize the traditional PC market?

,----[ Quote ]
| Will netbooks ultimately put the Linux OS on an equal footing with Windows in
| terms of market share? Probably not. Given how consumers view netbooks right
| now -- more as a "mini laptop" than as another category of device in its own
| right-- an ultra mobile device more in line with a mobile Internet device
| (MID) than a PC -- consumers are favoring Windows.
| "As consumers come to view it as less of a PC and more of a tool to access
| the Internet that happens to look like a laptop because of its larger screen
| and keyboard, then they will probably come to accept Linux more readily,"
| Solis said. "In addition, only x86-based processors from Intel and Via (AMD
| had not yet jumped into this game) can support Windows. x86 also support
| Linux. The competing platform base would be ARM -- mostly with Cortex A-8 and
| Cortex A-9 based processors from ARM itself and its licensees. These
| platforms do not support Windows XP or Vista, but they do support full PC
| versions of Linux (that would be optimized for netbooks and MIDs)."

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