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Re: The Real Gary M Stewart, in Case Someone Wants to Sue Him the Fish

After takin' a swig o' grog, Erik Funkenbusch belched out
  this bit o' wisdom:

> On Tue, 03 Feb 2009 18:27:07 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hey Gary,
>> How are you feeling? Okay?
> The joke is most likely on you, Roy.

Uncertainty noted.

> If what I suspect is true, Gary "leaked" that information to you to prove
> the point that you will "publish" without any kind of fact checking
> anything that fits your view of reality.

Uncertainty noted.

> Doesn't it all seem a little convenient, that someone who, admittedly
> barely knew the guy happened to have have all this background information
> and then just so happened to be trawling google looking for his name?
> Then, telling it all as if it were a biography, knowing things like how
> much money he makes years after he had ever even seen him...
> Uh huh... yeah.  
> You've been trolled, Roy, and it's a grand one.  You've just proven him
> right, as well as all the people who question your journalistic integrity.

Certainty noted.

So, I take it /you/ are Deep Throat in this case?

Whenever someone tells you to take their advice, you can be pretty sure
that they're not using it.

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