Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Migrating Away From Windows: It All Starts With Linux
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Whenever a person or business is thinking of migrating away from
> | Microsoft Windows to Linux, or to FreeBSD, OpenSolaris, or some other
> | FOSS operating system, the two most important considerations are:
> |
> | 1. Take the long view. The idea is to build a sustainable, future-proof
> | computing infrastructure.
Put some compiz and translucent cube 3D virtual screens in, use it for 100
days, and you can't go back to windummy OSen.
If you are an IT admin or a professional programmer / web developer / server
man then install VirtualBox and get some virtual machines
going and you won't ever want go back to windummy OSen.
> | 2. It all starts with the operating system. Sure, there are a lot of
> | wonderful FOSS applications that run on Windows, such as OpenOffice,
> | Firefox, Audacity, Pidgin, Thunderbird, Gimp, and many more. But that
> | doesn't address the fundamental flaws of the Windows OS; it's like using
> | more and better dung polish.
> |
> | Taking the Long View
> | Windows is the lamprey eel of operating systems. Lampreys are parasites
> | with toothed, funnel-like sucking mouths. They attach themselves to
> | bigger fish and live off their blood. Eventually the host fish weakens
> | and dies, and then the lamprey finds another victim.
> `----
> bMighty Says It's Time To Embrace Linux
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | As the bad economic news continues to accumulate, Linux offers hope to
> | cash-strapped businesses everywhere. That's why bMighty has put together
> | a uniquely useful set of how-to guides that can help you choose which
> | Linux distro is right for your company's needs, show you exactly how to
> | make the move, and even point you to the best places to get free Linux
> | help.
> |
> | Over the past week, bMighty open source blogger Matthew McKenzie has
> | written a series of amazing articles that tell you pretty much
> | everything you need to know to help your company make the most of the
> | open source operating system.
> `----
> Recent:
> 10 ways to help users transition to Linux
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Sheer economics are driving the increasingly widespread usage of the
> | Linux operating system. It?s free, it?s reliable, it?s safe, and (did I
> | mention?) it?s free! But when adopting a new operating system, there is
> | always a learning curve for the user base. Not only that, many users
> | think Linux is hard to use. This, of course, is not necessarily so. But
> | it?s your job to overcome their reluctance and to train them to use
> | Linux so that it becomes second-nature to them, as Windows is. Without
> | sending your users to some sort of boot camp, this may seem like a
> | rather daunting task. But there are ways to ease the pain of learning
> | Linux. Let?s examine some of them.
> |
> | 1: Standardize on a Windows-like desktop
> |
> | [...]
> |
> | 2: Get users familiar with applications before you switch
> |
> | [...]
> |
> | 3: Choose the right distribution
> |
> | [...]
> |
> | 4: Have a machine up and running for your users to play around with
> `----
> Migrating from Windows to Linux v1.79
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | There are many articles written about the reasons why users may wish to
> | convert to Linux. Frequently cited reasons include the favorable
> | licensing terms, the freely distributable software (with source code),
> | support from the Linux community, improved security, open file formats,
> | the fact that Linux can run on a wide variety of platforms, etc.
> | However, unless a desktop user is provided with real alternatives to the
> | existing software he or she currently uses, migration to a different
> | operating system is going to be very difficult.
> `----
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
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