On Mon, 26 Jan 2009 22:23:55 -0500, George Barca wrote:
> I agree with that however the application also has to be one that users
> on the other platform are interested in using. I think one reason the
> big applications like Photoshop and Autocad are not available for Linux
> is because the manufacturers of these products are afraid the Linux
> users won't want to pay big dollars for them and additionally they are
> nervous about the GPL.
If Adobe doesn't use GPL code in their Linux port of Photoshop, then they
have precisely _zero_ concern over the GPL.
As to worrying about people buying... people (aside from the sheep) tend
to buy on merit. That is, one will happily pay $699 for a decent product
if there is $699 or more worth of perceived value in it. However, that
value is relative. If something else - GIMP, for example - does 90% of
what PS does, then the $699 cost must be offset by $699 or more in
perceived value, but *only* in the additional functionality PS has that
GIMP lacks.
Does PS do *so* much extra over GIMP and other apps that the _extras_ are
worth the price tag? If so, Adobe has no reason to worry about people
not being willing to buy. If not, then Adobe might ask themselves _why_
they expect people to pay $699 for, say, $50 worth of actual value.
(The $699 figure is for PS CS4, according to adobe's site. YMMV.)