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Re: Microsoft Cuts 10,000+ Jobs?

George Barca wrote:
Clogwog (Rick Mather) wrote:
George Barca schreef...
DFS wrote:
George Barca wrote:
DFS wrote:
Roy Schestowitz wrote:


That makes a total that may exceed 10,000 people
who lost their job at/for Microsoft, so it aligns
with some early estimates.

You really should contact Rex Ballard for
confirmation of the exact number.

Does he work for Microsoft?

No.  He's a well-known lunatic and buffoonish
Linux^^^^^Amway "advocate" (at night only... by day he
hawks proprietary stuff for IBM).


DFS at his best: "Click heels together three times, wave your magic wand, then open your eyes and whaddaya see? Not much - it's dark inside your large intestine."

He seems to have a lot of free time.

Roy Schestowitz is the SPAMKING of comp.os.linux.advocacy "Roy Schestowitz is a career college student at some liberal
artsy university.

Little do the trolls know, Roy graduated.  As far are employment
goes, Roy has not publicly shared that, but then there is no
reason to share that as it is none of these troll's business to

He has never had a job or any responsibility in his life and
his poor parents have been supporting his butt for many

Roy has not shared his financial means, part time employments and
scholarships, but then in reality it is none of these troll's
business to know.

Instead of actually graduating like you're supposed to this
proven liar spends 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (including
all holidays) posting lies to every corner of the internet.

Roy has developed a methodology to his posting, research.
Maintains a fitness programme and uses his time wisely.  Trolls
give him more credit to the time he spends posting than he in
actuality does.  But then again, it is none of the troll's business.

He posts to a Microsoft-hate newsgroup called COLA for
instance where he finds the time to make thousands of posts
each month.

Trolls consider this a Microsoft hate group, because anything
competitive against Microsoft is considered hate.  In reality,
much of the hate expressed is by these troll's ad hominem
attacks, doing everything in their power to attempt to silence
Linux advocacy.

Really... this is no exaggeration. He literally makes
several thousand posts per month to this lowly newsgroup
instead of studying or getting a job.

See?  The focus is to rant on the individual, rather than comment
on the merits or weaknesses of the content of the individual's
posts.  This is called an ad hominem attack.

He was posting so much and misusing his college computers so
much that after several warnings and complaints his school
had no choice but to suspend his internet posting

The trolls have no morals or scruples.  Universities are learning
environments; some if not all allow communication on the Usenet as a medium of further learning, provided they do not interfere with the learning environment. However, the trolls with their hatred toward Linux advocacy and the possibility that it may ultimately win out against proprietary Microsoft Windows software will do everything in the power to silence it, including contacting and complaining to employers, college administrations, landlords, social affiliations, etc.

(He's not supposed to use school computers for personal

Again, this FUD.

Now he uses Mark Kent's account (another linux liar) to spew
his lies and hatred from.

Just because they both have the same ISP does not imply usage.
Rather, this troll is expressing its lies and hatred.

He was recently found guilty of stealing artwork from other
websites and posting them on his site despite the clear and
obvious copyright warnings. He has no hesitation in
shamelessly stealing the work of others and posting it up on
his website as his own in order to try and make a few
pennies profit.

Again, this is 2-1/2 YO FUD.  See post dated 08 Jun 2006:


Other than posting to COLA he has his own anti-Microsoft
website and created for-profit websites that attempt to
boycott linux vendors he doesn't like such as Novell,
Xandros and etc.

This off-site rant has no place in COLA.

His specialty is to take news stories and twist the headline
and contents of the story into something that was never

Again, IMHO, this smacks of:

'Use ... the Internet, etc. to heighten the impression that the
enemy is desperate, demoralized, defeated, ... associated with
mental deficiency, as in, "he believes in Santa Claus, the Easter
Bunny". Just keep rubbing it in, via the ... newsgroups, ... make
the complete failure of the competition's technology part of the
mythology of the computer industry.'

(Comes vs Microsoft lawsuit, Microsoft Evangelism document, PDF
pages 45 & 55 on http://www.groklaw.net/pdf/Comes-3096.pdf

Unsuspecting readers will see the post from Roy Schestowitz
and assume it's the truth when in reality it's nothing but lies, delusions, ravings and rants from this immature

Snip rest of ad hominem links.

Wow! There seems to be an entire subculture loose in this
group! I was talking about Mr. Rex though. I must say that I
enjoy reading Mr. Schestowitz's posts and at least from my
perspective his private life is his own business. Some things
I agree with and others I disagree with which is how life is
lived. Wouldn't be a dull, boring planet if we all agreed with
each other on everything?

You are correct about disagreement. However, if you follow their posts, most are less than civil, consisting of nothing but ad hominem rants and very little toward the discussion regarding the benefits of Linux compared to other operating systems.

That subculture is the anti-Linux Wintrolls in this newsgroup. They are the uninvited guests, whose sole purpose is to undermine Linux advocacy.

Quando omni flunkus moritati
(If all else fails, play dead)
- "Red" Green

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