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Re: Microsoft Chief on Linux: "I am Scared" (Comes vs MS - exhibit px07168)

After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out
  this bit o' wisdom:

> From: Jim Allchin
> Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 10:20 PM
> To: Brian Valentine, Paul Flessner; Bill Veghte, Bob Kefly; Eric Rudder, Dan
> Neault
> Cc: Michele Freed
> Subject: Linux

I thought Linux was too crappy to be worthy of attention?

> 5. We need someone to tear down the indemnification offered from RedHat and IBM
> to customers. We need to understand exactly the risk a customer is under if a
> patent lawsuit happens and Linux is challenged. I?d like Dan to own this.
> There MUST be risks to customers that are being passed on. I want this
> understood precisely. We need to get the license from IBM given to customers
> and investigate.

How can we FUD Linux?

Be careful!  Is it classified?

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