Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> After takin' a swig o' grog, William Poaster belched out
> this bit o' wisdom:
>> On Wed, 14 Jan 2009 20:33:31 -0500, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>>> Like I said, "Hadron" is a watchword for lying and garbage.
>>> And that's no lie, anonymous coward.
Nice try Liarmutt. You are caught time and time again. Still waiting for
the DDD list by the way.
>> Quack says there are no posts of him saying Linux sucks. Take a look at
>> the "Why Linux sucks at being user friendly" thread, where Quack openly
>> supports the Zeke troll.
>> Oh, he doesn't actually *say* it, but it's clear he supports the subject.
>> Well, what else would you expect from a M$ fanboi.
Oh! So you agree that I never said Linux Sux. What I did say is that
some of the UIs and the OSS Apps suck. But you DO know the difference
between Linux and the front ends dont you? No? Go look it up.
> Like DFS, Hadron tries to weasel out of the truth with pedantic wording.
> But it is clear to anyone who reads this newsgroup that Hadron is
> contemptuous of open-source and its developers, even as he claims to use
> their free products without coercion.
> Yet his knowledge of many of the products (TuxGuitar, sudo, and Tripwire
> being notable examples) is obviously of the surface variety, as if
> obtained by Googling it.
Nice try moron. You hate it that I provided the links to acknowledged
and logged problems with the tuxguitar package. You simply HATE it that
once again I backed up the problems I had with the bug knowledgebase.
Poor, poor Willy.
What you are talking about sudo for I really dont know. Since I'm not
aware of any distortions on your part from that? Or did you only learn
that be default sudo is NOT set up for users in Debian?
> Yet he won't admit it.
Admit what? That there are problems in some packages? Only a moron (you)
would deny it.
> Rather, he makes bogus functionality claims with perfect confidence, and
> counters reasoned responses from people with more knowledge
> with shrieks and hypocritical claims that others only do what he does.
> Rather standard troll material, I would say.
You need to buy a new brain Willy. Yours is clearly hosed.
"I really think XP is going to be a flop. Between the glut of hardware out
there (and slowing down of purchasing), and the fact that W2K is
sufficient for so many casual users.... I just don't see it taking off."
comp.os.linux.advocacy - where they put the lunacy in advocacy