On Mon, 05 Jan 2009 13:42:29 -0500, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
> After takin' a swig o' grog, Rex Ballard belched out
> this bit o' wisdom:
>> On Dec 31 2008, 5:57 pm, "DFS" <nospam@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> > The Free Software Movement and the Struggle for Freedom of Thought
>>> blah blah blah
>>> Why are you linking to Moglen, Spamowitz?
>>> You're a promoter and developer of proprietary systems who insists on
>>> being paid for his work, and whose commitment to open source and free
>>> software begins and ends at your wallet.
>>> Same for [H]ypocrite. Ballard. Linonut. JED. Rasker. 7. Hilliard.
>>> Kohlmann. chrisv. Dumb Willie Poaster. Marti. HPT. et al.
> Poor DFS. Still pounding that poor excuse for an argument. And it is
> partly a lie anyway.
AFAIC it's a lie. I do NOT promote or develop anything to do with
proprietary systems.
I wouldn't touch windoze with a 20ft barge pole.
So DumbForSure lies yet again.
> It's already been answered, but he'll keep trotting in out the way he
> keeps banging on his screenshot of a synaptic misconfiguration.
>> I work for GBS, I'm a consultant. Much of Websphere is based on Open
>> Source technology, however, the proprietary extensions and plug-ins
>> provide the wizards to generate code that would take my teams several
>> staff-weeks at around $100/hour to write by hand.
> Open-source depends on well-fed programmers.
> DFS should be blessing us for promoting open-source, since we do it with
> our voices, our feet, /and/ our wallets.
No room for the horrors
of Micro$oft here!
-- Stephen Fry - Room 101 --