ray wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Jul 2009 15:11:58 -0600, GPS wrote:
>> The US people cry out "someone should do something!" What they are
>> really saying is "I'm too lazy to help others. I would rather that
>> someone else does it!" So they get what they want, and their taxes
>> increase, and now the US has taxation without representation, and the US
>> Constitution is for little more than show.
> Not really. Our elected representatives are the ones who keep jacking up
> the taxes. After all, you can't provide government health care, buy two
> auto companies and several financial institutions, throw several trillion
> dollars down the rat hole and expect not to pay for it. California is, of
> course, an example of how wrong the whole process can go: they've made it
> practically impossible for their legislature to raise taxes but keep
> passing 'initiatives' requiring more and more expenditures - you see the
> result.
How many people vote for the politicians?
How many politicians are elected?
Who has the power? Who has the tyranny?
Consider for a moment that you see George Bush or Obama walking down the
street, and for some reason they were not given the same opportunities or
chances in life. So they are walking down the middle of your street. Obama
says "We need change! Change we can believe in!"
So, to most people Obama would be nutty in a situation like that. He could
give his whole speech out there in your front yard, and it would be
George Bush was an interesting fellow I remember in the first debates. His
way of dealing with people that he disagreed with was to attack them. He
didn't answer many questions during debates, because he was too busy
attacking others. I thought he would be last, and I thought at the time
that others would notice his personal attacks, and lack of answers. Thus, I
was quite surprised when I saw that he was elected. He has been someone for
me to learn more about myself from.
So, the problem is not the politicians. The problem is not the news
sources, because the people let them grow or fail.
The problem *is* the *people*. The people do not observe the actions of
those that speak, or see the actions and intentions for what they are. The
people of the US are dreaming.
The US spends more on fighting terrorism than curing cancer, and you are
more likely to die from cancer than terrorism. In the end we all die. So,
God can be the greatest terrorist (AIDS, cancer, etc.), and God is also the
greatest giver of life and joy.
I have drifted off-topic of course, and now I realize it's more important to
make use of my moments to learn, grow, and attain peace and harmony for
-GPS (will stop posting here)