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Re: You can advocate Linux without looking like a lunatic

After takin' a swig o' grog, Tim Smith belched out
  this bit o' wisdom:

> In article <h38ehg$o2a$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>  wispygalaxy <wispygalaxy@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > Roy claims it is just a stereotype that some advocates are 
>> > lunatics.
>> He's right.
> So no people advocate Linux in a way that makes them look like lunatics. 

No, not /no/ people.  Just a small number.  It is all too common to take an
extreme and apply it to the whole set.

> It is just a stereotype. If that's the case...
>> > Ironically, in the *SAME* article, he complains about how Mark Fink (who
>> > Roy once offered to let edit part of BN) and others are too zealous and
>> > make BN look bad.
>> If Roy feels that these people are too intense, then he has the right to
>> think that way.
> ...then how come Roy is complaining about the same kind of advocates 
> that LinuxInsider is talking about? You can't have it both ways--if LI 
> is just feeding stereotypes, than so is Roy.

I agree with Tim on this.  It is all too easy to stereotype people.

Better to deal with them as individuals.

That doesn't mean that a whole group can't be tarred, though.

For example, if you find asshole behavior in DFS, "The Bee", "linuxsux",
flatfish, Hadron, Clogwog, and even Tim and Erik (though the latter two
provide some genuine quality sometimes), you can be forgiven for saying that
all trolls in COLA are assholes.

(No insult meant to Tim and Erik here.)

You have many friends and very few living enemies.

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