nessuno wrote:
> wispygalaxy wrote:
>> Tim Smith wrote:
>>> Good article on how to advocate Linux without coming
>>> across as a lunatic:
> Labeling linux advocates as lunatics (or smelly unwashed
> hippies or other negative stereotypes) is Microsoft talking
> point number 3.
> Number 4 is to claim that Microsoft's behavior is on a par
> with other companies (the Google-does-evil-too or
> Macs-don't-have-perfect- security-either type arguments). See
> Zeke's post on Google=Microsoft for an example.
> These talking points are predictable and are mouthed regularly
> by the whole host of trolls out there.
Microsoft Evangelism:
PDF page 55:
In the Mopping Up phase, Evangelism's goal is to put the final
nail into the competing technology's coffin, and bury it in the
burning depths of the earth. Ideally, use of the competing
technology becomes associated with mental deficiency, as in, "he
believes in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and OS/2."
Just keep rubbing it in, via the press, analysts, newsgroups,
whatever. make the complete failure of the competition's
technology part of the mythology of the computer industry.
We want to place selection pressure on the companies and
individuals that show a genetic weakness for competitor's
technologies, to make the industry increasingly resistant to such
unhealthy strains, over time.
Comes vs. Microsoft court case