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[News] Patents More Likely to be Abolished?

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Patent Reexamination - A Renaissance

,----[ Quote ]
| Given this, it is certainly no surprise the patent infringement defendants 
| have been using the reexam strategy more and more.  The semiconductor field 
| is no different.  Two well known patent enforcers in the industry, Tessera 
| and Rambus have seen their patents thrown into reexam by various parties that 
| are the targets of their licensing programs.  Furthermore, I have also seen 
| evidence that courts are willing to stay litigation if a quick reexam request 
| is filed in the Patent Office, though obviously this is very judge and 
| district specific.          


Patent Litigation Weekly: Former Goodwin Procter Partner Now Patent
Enforcer--Except in False Markings Public Interest Cases

,----[ Quote ]
| But meanwhile, as Mullin notes, the former Ropes & Gray partner is also 
| working closely to spearhead a litigation project with an old friend, Daniel 
| Ravicher of the Public Patent Foundation--who has publicly proclaimed that 
| software patents hinder innovation. Garrod is helping Public Patent file 
| suits to block products from carrying false patent markings.    



Back-Door Maximalist Intellectual Monopolies

,----[ Quote ]
| Patents would be turned into a customs issue (whaaat?), and there would be no
| need actually to show that an infringement happened in order to start
| a "procedure".... In other words, this SECURE (and for the name, see here) is
| about extending the RIAA's intimidatory tactics to the whole of intellectual
| monopolies, and globally.


Repeal 35 USC 122(c) …..at least for Business Methods

,----[ Quote ]
| An examination process that utilizes the expertise of the industries in which
| applications lie has now become essential in the very difficult to examine
| fields of software, pharmaceuticals, and business methods.

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