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Re: Any comments on Google forcing students to use their services, Roy?

On Jun 24, 7:15 pm, Tim Smith <reply_in_gr...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I see you are upset at live@edu for "forcing"
> students to use Microsoft
> services. Google offers a similar
> service, which equally "forces"
> students to use Google services.
> Do you have any comment on that.

Let's see.  Microsoft is preinstalled on 99.8% of the PCs sold by the
top 8 OEMs (excluding Apple).  Students are required to turn in
assignments in Microsoft Word format (though it is possible to write
word documents using OpenOffice Writer.  Students are required to
purchase machines with Windows Pre-installed.

Google is a search site that is only one of about 20 search sites that
can be easily accessed using a Web browser.  You could easily use
numerous competitors, but Google provides a nice combination of lots
of uncensored content (only publishers can exclude themselves), and
relevant advertising that is consistently related to the search

The result is that Google has a strong brand, but not a monopoly in
any shape or form.  Even the content google archives is easily
available through a variety of public sources.  Google just indexes
more, finds it faster, and makes sure that the ads match the interests
of the user at that particular moment.

Android is one of a number of Linux systems available, including
embedded Linux systems on the market.  Google is just using their
strong brand to help Linux compete against the Microsoft Monopoly.

> I'll take an answer from your press
> secretary, Chris, if you don't have
> time to answer. Thanks.

> --Tim Smith

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