Gregory Shearman wrote:
> On 2009-06-11, wispygalaxy <wispygalaxy@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> For example, when I take notes in class, I use abbreviations that I
>> know I'll be able to decipher in a couple of weeks before the test. I
>> have a standard set of abbreviations to use.
> I used to take my notes home and type them all up. It was a great
> learning tool. As I've explained previously, I'm a poor left-handed
> writer and I doubt I could even decipher my scrawls if I read them a few
> weeks later.
My 18-year-old sister in college has terrible handwriting. We never make
her write the Christmas cards every year haha.
I never typed my notes back in high school- I was too lazy. Luckily, my
teachers gave handouts with everthing I needed to know.
> If I were back at university now I'd take my eeepc with me and take
> notes directly on that.
Good idea! In some of my classrooms, there are mobile computing ports that
allow laptops to connect online. I saw one girl using it last semester.