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Re: [News] Mono is a Disaster, OpenSUSE Drifts Further Away from Novell

After takin' a swig o' grog, Tim Smith belched out
  this bit o' wisdom:

> In article <pd6dnW-BNZQUMrfXnZ2dnUVZ_g1i4p2d@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>  Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Sat, 06 Jun 2009 12:27:09 -0400, Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
>> > After takin' a swig o' grog, Homer belched out
>> >   this bit o' wisdom:
>> > 
>> >> And for the "privilege" of having Free Software perverted by this junk,
>> >> it will be encumbered by Microsoft's Intellectual Monopoly, which they
>> >> will eventually leverage as a weapon against Free Software to control
>> >> and/or destroy it.
>> >>
>> >> Thank you Miguel de Icaza.
>> > 
>> > The incident where Miguel treated Hadron's use of the vile "freetard"
>> > term as legitimate was a real eye-opener for me.
>> Where was that?
> He didn't.  He commented on a post where Hadron used the term 
> "freetard".  Since Miguel did not say anything about the term, Chris 
> takes that as approving it.

Uh, no, Tim.  Miguel actually explicity approved the usage of the word
"freetard", directly comparing it to "chickenhawk".


In reply to Hadron, I believe:

   Miguel de Icaza     
   Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
   From: Miguel de Icaza <miguel.de.ic...@xxxxxxxxx>
   Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 07:20:39 -0700 (PDT)
   Local: Wed, May 13 2009 10:20 am
   Subject: Re: Gnote 0.3.1

   > Very well said.

   > What you have to understand about COLA is that not one of them actually
   > contributes to Linux or OSS.

   > It's why they are calls "freetards".

   They are the internet version of chickenhawks.

   Not only they do not contribute any code, but the noise and propaganda
   they produce actually slows down actual development and advocacy efforts.

   > You will now be labelled a MS Shill by the "COLA community".

   It is equivalent to be called an "anti-american" by Bill O'Reilly.  If
   you are their target, you are doing something right.

As I said, a really eye-opener, and a /hell/ of a way to treat your

> I'm feeling nice this morning, so will not post numerous links to posts 
> of Chris' where people use vile terms that he quotes but does not 
> comment on.

What do generic references to occasions where I did not respond to posts
containing vile words have to do with a case where a well-known open-source
programming explicitly compared "freetard" to "chickenhawk", with the
implication that OSS users who don't contribute code or money are the moral
equivalent of "chickhawks"?

Reread the whole thread.  Incredible words from a famous OSS programmer.

Also, you'll note some solid argument from chrisv, who was the victim of a
recent attack by the trolls, who claimed all he did was curse:

   >>> It's why they are calls "freetards".

   >> They are the internet version of chickenhawks.

   Oh.  My.  God.  Joining with "Hadron" in attacking FOSS advocates.

   >Wow.  Miguel has no objection to Hadron's use of the phrase "freetards".

   Yet he objected to "Micro$oft", which, apperantly, is an indication of
   "extemism" and that my world seems "filled with darkness and hate".

   >Hell of way to treat your customers!

   We've learned a lot about *this* guy, today... 

I now await Hadron to apologize for the slur to Chris Ahlstrom he made in
his response to Tim's post.

Q:	How many bureaucrats does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A:	Two.  One to assure everyone that everything possible is being
	done while the other screws the bulb into the water faucet.

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