Doug Mentohl wrote:
> Erik Fud wrote:
>> Are you psychotic?
> No, buy you obviously are ..
You're a loser piece of shit, Mental:
Doug Mentohl: "Fuck off, get aids, get cancer, die a slow painfull death, in
fact let your whole genetic line become extinct ... "
Doug Mentohl: "When are you going to get cancer and die. Hopfully before
your jizz infects any unfortunate female you rohypnoled on one of your
'dates' .. :) "
Doug Mentohl: "Fuck off, get cancer and die a long and painfull death."
Doug Mentohl: "fuck Tim Smith the Usenet, Digg and Slashdot stalker .."
Doug Mentohl: "What the fuck are you on about you ignorant CUNT"