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[News] Net Neutrality Under Attack in the EU

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Telcos throw more wood on EU net neutrality fire 

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| Telcos are lobbying hard for discriminatory practices in network management 
| to be permited, which threaten the neutrality of the Internet. They are 
| opposed by citizens groups who are calling on MEPs to close the loopholes in 
| the Telecoms Package Second Reading.   
| Liberty Global is the latest telco to throw its hat in the anti-net 
| neutrality ring, with a statement in support of its colleagues at AT&T and 
| Verizon. In a statement to run with its European Parliament seminar today, 
| Liberty Global calls for limitations on regulatory intervention in respect 
| of ‘network management practices'. The AT&T amendments are about trying to 
| stop European regulators taking the kind of action that the FCC was able to 
| take in the Comcast case, where a netwwork operator was restricting lawful 
| services on the Internet and the FCC told it to stop.       


New EU Telecom Rules Face Delay After Talks Break Down

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| At a lunch debate Thursday, Reding described the Czech government's failure 
| to secure an agreement as "catastrophic." 



CDT Confident Next FCC Chair Recognizes Importance of Open Internet Policy

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| WASHINGTON -- According to news reports, President-elect Barack Obama will
| soon name Julius Genachowski to head the Federal Communications Commission.


Kevin Martin Opposes Regulating Internet Content?

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| A significant part of FCC Chairman Kevin Martin's legacy will be the moves he
| made -- and tried to make -- to crack down on indecency while he was in
| power. The FCC went after TV broadcasters with much more vigor than under
| previous leaders, trying to impose big fines for "indecent" content, many of
| which got smacked down later by courts. Martin himself was a major advocate
| of a la carte cable plans, in which consumers could simply pay for individual
| channels, rather than bundles.


WSJ Accuses Google of Abandoning Net Neutrality: Reality Check

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| The Wall Street Journal specifically attacks Google's OpenEdge project as a
| means by which Google can have its own content given bandwidth priority over
| other web sites. Before we go into a terrified panic that Google is
| abandoning Net neutrality for its own nefarious purposes, how about we look
| at what OpenEdge actually does.


Indian Court Wants To Ban Google Earth In The Wake Of Mumbai Attacks

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| However, an Indian Court is now calling for the software to be banned saying
| that it "aids terrorists." Of course, so do maps or photographs of hotels,
| such as those placed online by the hotels themselves, but people aren't
| overreacting and calling for a ban of those things as well. Yes, we can
| understand the kneejerk reaction here, and the anger over these horrific
| attacks. But, banning Google Earth isn't the answer.

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