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[News] Russian Moves to Free Software as Planned

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Free and Open Source Software to be at the Heart of Russian IT Development

,----[ Quote ]
| On February 25th, 2009 the principal of the Ministry of Communications and 
| Mass Communications met with representatives of Russian Free and Open Source 
| Software (RFOSS) development companies, including VDEL, at the Ministry of 
| Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. The purpose 
| of the meeting was to discuss concrete steps that can be taken by the State 
| to support RFOSS development process.     



Medvedev Confirms Free Software Support

,----[ Quote ]
| [via Google Translate: President of the Russian Federation as outlined its
| position on free software: «Another issue - this is information technology in
| the social sphere. We actually tried to do so as part of a national project.
| Probably something that succeeded, but for now this is just the beginning. We
| must consider that the next move - to the domestic free software. I dealt
| with this topic, the results we have, we have already prepared their
| programs, which allow to create, in essence, a product is qualitative, based
| on free software, but is already tied to our realities ».]


Company ALT Linux has released a new server distro for schools

,----[ Quote ]
| The set of products developed by ALT Linux in the school project, added a new
| distribution, released under the title "School Server 4.1 and based on
| code-based server distribution for small and medium-sized businesses - ALT
| Linux Office Server, adapted for the educational institutions. Установочный
| образ имеет размер 670 Мб и распространяется свободно. Set the image size is
| 670 MB and is distributed freely.


Russian Federation Commits to Open Source

,----[ Quote ]
| Open source software development in Russia is one of the most important
| directives for Igor Schegolev - the Head of the Ministry of Information
| Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation. At a key meeting
| with Werner Knoblich, Red Hat Vice President for EMEA, he announced support
| for a Russian Fedora association and for Red Hat development in the Russian
| Federation. He also expressed support for open source infrastructure and
| applications, and the development of a repository for industry best practice.


Russia To Develop a National Operating System

,----[ Quote ]
| "According to Russian media, the Russian Government is going to develop a
| National Operating System (Google translation; Russian original) to lower its
| dependencies on foreign software technology licensing. The Russian plan will
| base its efforts on Linux and expects a worldwide impact. Microsoft is also
| involved in the roundtable process that led to the recommendation. The
| Chinese government successfully lowered its Microsoft licensing costs through
| an early investment in a national Linux distribution. I wonder if other large
| markets, such as the European Union, will also develop their own Linux
| distributions or join in the Russian initiative."


ALT Linux 4.1.1 Desktop Released

,----[ Quote ]
| Alexey Rusakov announced on January 14th the immediate availability of the
| desktop edition of ALT Linux 4.1.1 DVD, a general purpose GNU/Linux
| distribution designed to be used on workstations, laptops and netbooks.
| Besides the usual bug fixes and improvements, ALT Linux 4.1.1's most
| important feature is the inclusion of an installation DVD ISO image with
| English as the default language. "ALT Linux proudly presents a new release of
| our desktop distribution, ALT Linux 4.1.1 Desktop. [...] We also released a
| separate DVD with English as the default language so that you don't need to
| crawl through cryptic Russian letters on early steps. Happy using!" -
| Alexey Rusakov said in the official release announcement.


Russia to create "National OS" Based on GNU/Linux?

,----[ Quote ]
| Although the proposal is still in its early stages, the attractiveness of the
| proprosal to a government keen to assert its independence at all levels is
| obvious. It will be interesting to see how this develops.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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