After takin' a swig o' grog, Homer belched out
this bit o' wisdom:
> Verily I say unto thee, that Chris Ahlstrom spake thusly:
>> Ever notice those Visual Studio ads portraying polo-shirt-garbed
>> geeks doing battle with monsters, as if coding were a game?
> Programming /is/ a game, if you're using a kid's toy like Visual Studio.
Well, except for the lock-in to Windows, Visual Studio Team is a pretty
decent way to manage a project among many developers, controlling changes,
verifying problem reports, managing unit-test, and doing nightly
It probably sux a lot less than Rational Enterprise Suite.
But you can build decent systems from open-source CM projects, and also
access them across the internet.
> Just ask DooFy, that's if he can pull himself away from chewing crayons.
Actually, based on his extreme psychotic reactions to Linux postings, I
think DFS has been chewing mushrooms.
By the way, did you notice how solicitous, nay! almost polite! DFS was to
the "Tony" faker who said he was leaving the Linux camp? DFS is just a
Linux scarecrow.
You'd like to do it instantaneously, but that's too slow.