On 2009-05-26, Andrew Halliwell <spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> claimed:
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> ____/ nessuno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on Tuesday 26 May 2009 12:57 : \____
>>> Q: Do you remember that in January, 1996, a lot of OEMs were bundling
>>> non-Microsoft browsers?
>>> A: I'm not sure.
>> It's a lawyer family. They know how to lie with a straight face.
> Lie, or come across like the less intelligent twin of george w bush?
> I remember reading that years ago... it continued...
> A lot longer than that, with the poor lawyer (poor lawyer? Are you insane!?)
> trying to explain what concerned meant and STILL not getting anywhere.
That's why cameras should be required in court rooms in any case not
involving secrets that could damage security.
If people had seen him weasel and look stupid, only Wintards of the
caliber that can be found hanging around in this group would still
worship him. All the rest would have started looking elsewhere. They'd
understand perfectly why their crapware crumbles very frequently with
no more coaxing than opening the browser.
VISTA: Volatile and Ineffective Solution That's an Abomination