Terry Porter wrote:
> If you started using Linux less than a year ago, you have barely scratched
> the surface. The wow factor has barely had time to kick in!
I started using Linux when Ubuntu 7.10 came out. I was awestuck at all of
the cool features Linux had.
The big things I realized:
1) Linux is easy to use and does not require me to memorize CLI commands
2) Linux has a good UI and is *not* text-only
3) Linux has a wide variety of apps for all types of people. (I used to
think that Linux only offered apps that interested programmers, that's it.)
> I often find myself wishing I had gone full time to Linux in 1993 when I
> first installed Yggdrassil Linux, instead of 1997 when I dumped Win95 for
> Redhat 4.1, however it's *never* too late to go to Linux full time on the
> desktop, because in 5 years, you'll be 5 years further along than you are
> now, but the trolls will still be permanently stuck in 2002 with windows
> XP.
You're so lucky to be using Linux for so long! I can't imagine being with
XP ever since 2002... How can people not try something new and be stuck
with the same boring thing???
The apps in Linux suit my needs, even in school. I can make presentations
in OO.org Impress without the need for PowerPoint. I remember Psychology
101 when I had to create a presentation about the age group 25-35. I had
to type up all of the info my group found and make a presentation. (This
was when I was on Ubuntu 7.10.) The text, colors, and transition effects
were all intact when the file was opened on the classroom computer running
Windows XP. I got an A on that project, by the way. :)
I know for certain that my next laptop or netbook will have Linux on it.
And I won't dual boot with Windows!