On Fri, 15 May 2009 16:33:13 +1000, Terry Porter wrote:
> General Patron wrote:
>> Tony(UK) said the following on 2009-05-14 07:29:
>>> On Thu, 14 May 2009 03:40:55 +0200, General Patron wrote:
>>>>> What disadvantages of Linux does it "remove".
>>>>> Please be specific.
>>>> It's not linux.
>>> ...and it is very hard work,
>> No, it took me 10 minutes to install last year on my desktop.
>>> and hard freezes regularly (just like Linux is supposed to do but
>>> don't for me)
>> Then you haven't done a correct install, or you have crappy hardware.
>>> and doesn't natively support my
>>> Samsung ML 2010 printer
>> Well no OS supports any printer natively.
>>> It claims to be rock-solid
>> And it is, if you don't have crappy hardware which it sounds that you
>> have. We have a few fbsd 4.11 machines that has been up since 2005.
> Of course!
> PC-BSD and FreeBSD, plus all the BSD's are rock solid!
> The FreeBSD package manager and the NetBSD package manager are both
> outstanding.
> Pc-BSD is a total no brainer to install, Windows users love it, and
> underneath it's just freeBSD anyway, and one can install any packages
> they like via the FreeBSD package manager. The native Pc-BSD package
> manager is just there for ex Windows users ;-)
> The BSDs are all very similar to Linux to use and admin, and it can be
> hard at first glance to tell them apart.
Hmm, this is very confusing, as the PBI one-click idea (a-la Linux Mint
and others) is a good idea for newcomers to the system, but the choice of
software in the PBIs is poor. The current PC-BSD 7.1 running KDE 4.2
desktop did seem like a good candidate and interested me. Unfortunately,
it didn't work out this way, as it just wasn't reliable enough for it to
be usable. This hasn't put me off BSD - but it has put me off some of the
BSD community who make absurd assumptions without any knowledge
whatsoever of me or my 'hardware problems', which run Linux without any
problem whatsoever :-)
Instead of the insults and put-downs, maybe a member of the BSD community
would like to comment on what went wrong as I just followed the GUI and
PBI installs before the freezing and hard lock-ups began - a pretty
vanilla and typical case, I reckon.