After takin' a swig o' grog, Stone Mirror belched out
this bit o' wisdom:
> On Aug 1, 2:53?pm, Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstr...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Say, what brought you here from Google Groups to police things up?
> Roy's discovered that I can keep him honest?or at least point out his
> numerous mistruths?on his web site, so he thought he'd start lying
> about me here on USENET.
So again, what brought you here from Google Groups to police things up?
> As far as that goes, I've been on USENET on and off since the 80s. Is
> this some special section which requires permission to join? That'd be
> novel.
You had to get permission to come here?
Do nothing unless you must, and when you must act -- hesitate.