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[News] Free Desktop Looks Great with Balanzan Theme and fontconfig

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Balanzan, a nice looking theme for Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| While surfing the internet I came across this blog article about the Balanzan 
| theme. I saw it and realized it's a nice looking theme and decided to share 
| the view with you.  


What a difference fontconfig makes

,----[ Quote ]
| Time for a collection of screenshots, as an illustration of Qt applications 
| on OpenSolaris, both on a local display driven by a Radeon X1200 and on a Sun 
| Ray thin client. Not from KDE applications (although we have KDE 4.3.0 
| packages for OpenSolaris now) but from qtconfig â possibly the first Qt app 
| you will want to run in OpenSolaris to set up some of the fonts correctly. 
| Before running this version of qtconfig, I removed ~/.config â the whole 
| directory tree â so I would get the default settings. There are screenies of 
| the same 300Ã100 section of the application on four setups: local display or 
| Sun Ray thin client, and system fontconfig or one built from our own 
| packages. I switched my set of package builds to use the systemâs fontconfig 
| a while back, but the specfile for fontconfig (useful if you care about 
| Solaris10) is still there. Both are version 2.5.0; for freetype system is 
| 2.3.7 and the specfiles build 2.3.6.            



KDE 4.3 Looking Good

,----[ Quote ]
| There's a new Qt and Plasma theme in KDE 4.3 that looks pretty nice. Overall
| every release of KDE4 seems to become more stable, more polished, more
| eye-candy (if you want it).

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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