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Re: Windows Mobile Needs Identity to Attack Android, iPhone

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____/ nessuno on Friday 21 August 2009 04:41 : \____

> <Quote>
> the DigiTimes report underscores how Microsoft has failed to find a
> solid identity in the mobile market. The role Microsoft has
> traditionally played in the computer space -- providing a flexible and
> widely-used operating system -- is increasingly being occupied in
> mobile by its new worst enemy, Google.
> The amount of support for Android has been pretty astounding so far,
> with Motorola, HTC, Samsung, Garmin-Asus and Lenovo all planning or
> releasing phones with Google's OS. Some of these manufacturers are
> using WinMo as well, but it's not the everyman Windows was for PCs.
> Perhaps that's due to 6.5's lethargic pace of development.
> And while we're making comparisons to the computer market, it's worth
> noting that Apple thrives in the high-end. A recent report by NPD
> found that Apple has 91 percent of the over-$1000 PC market. If
> computers are any indication, Microsoft will have a tough time taking
> over these waters in the mobile space.
> </Quote>

Windows Mobile has always been ahead of Windows... ahead in the sense that it
showed where the Windows franchise was really going.

Microsoft hasn't yet figured out how to saddle EACH SINGLE PHONE with Windows.
Desktops, on the other hand...

- -- 
                ~~ Best of wishes

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