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[News] Semi-Satire: What GNU/Linux Can't Do

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What Linux cannot do.

,----[ Quote ]
| It does not have a:, c: d: to z: drives. Linux does not see internal drives, 
| partitions and external devices as seperate drives. According to Linux (and 
| every *nix based operating system) every piece of hardware is treated as a 
| file. Even the computers memory, the internal busses, USB devices, mouse and 
| keyboard are all files under Linux. To use these devices is all done in 
| exactly the same way. Reading and writing to the relevent file. They are 
| called devices only for our benefit.       


Funny Friday: Funny Linux Merchandise from Zazzle

,----[ Quote ]
| These and more could be interesting gift ideas for fellow Linux users, sys 
| ads or family. :) It could also be a good conversation starter in any 
| convention or seminar for Linux and open source stuff.  



What Linux really lacks

,----[ Quote ]
| Linux does not lack user friendliness any more. Ubuntu. openSUSE. Try them
| out.
| Linux does not lack quality software. Openoffice.org. Firefox. Pidgin.
| Thunderbird. They all run on Linux.
| Linux does not lack power. It runs on the widest range of hardware.
| Linux does not lack company backing. Novell. Canonical. Red Hat. They are
| large corporations.


Apple Faithful: Arrogance Is Not a Virtue, and Why I Will Never Buy a Mac

,----[ Quote ]
| Jason: âYeah but it can it run Lotus 123 or WordStar? Can you go onto
| CompuServe or BBSes with it?â
| Andy: âWho cares? This thing is so cool!â
| Jason: âEnjoy. Iâll stick with my keyboard, character mode graphics and
| PC-XT.â
| Cousin Andy grew up to be a very nice, smart and successful guy and went into
| educational publishing. He got married and had a couple of kids, and is now a
| venture capitalist. But at that time, when I was 15 or 16, I just remember
| him as my know-it-all older first cousin. Andrew, I love you man, but you are
| responsible for creating the master template for my complete distaste for Mac
| Fanboyism and my eventual disassociation from anything Apple. Sorry.


- From OSX to Ubuntu

,----[ Quote ]
| So far Iâm not really missing that much - clearly OSX has a certain feel of
| slickness to it but in the last couple of years Ubuntu has become much more
| refined and easier to use. More an more works without intervention - Iâd long
| held an opinion that using linux was like owning a vintage beetle â Itâs
| great but you have to spend all weekend tinkering with it to keep it on the
| road. For me using windows was like that, as I found more and more time was
| sucked into keeping my PC running. When I switched to OSX I found my
| productivity went up. So far with Linux itâs too early to tell whether Iâm as
| productive though Iâm fairly confident that Iâm finding enough software that
| performs well and is intuitive to use that I should be every bit as âat homeâ
| on Linux as I was on the mac. Plus with the added bonus that Iâve got a much
| better set of linux tools (rather than bsd) under the hood and not to mention
| that running an open source operating system is a much better prospect long
| term.


Mac OS is better than Ubuntu Linux: A myth

,----[ Quote ]
| The myths
| Â * Ubuntu does not have a good UI : This is absolutely rubbish, checkout
| Â Â the new KDE that comes with Ubuntu.
| Â * To install software a user has to use a command line on Ubuntu :
| Â Â Another false claim. The Synaptic package manager is brilliant and does
| Â Â not require interaction with the command line. There are some software
| Â Â that do need command line usage. Then again those wonât be ones an
| Â Â average user is going to use.
| Â * You have to build software from source code on Ubuntu. This is not
| Â Â something an average user would be able to do : The software that come in
| Â Â source code form are definitely not intended for the average user. The
| Â Â ones that are meant for the average user come in binary formats that are
| Â Â easy to install.
| Â Â [...]

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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