After takin' a swig o' grog, Marti van Lin belched out
this bit o' wisdom:
> Like Terry already wrote: Windows 7 is nothing but a marketing hype. The
> Vole has nothing (new) to offer, but a bad paint job.
> Microsoft Windows 7 is the ultimate sitcom :-)
> What a joke :-D
The joke, at least in business, is that XP is still going strong.
It's on every business desktop, except for an adventurous few who use Linux
or Vista. It works reasonably well, and it is what the business is set up
on. Sure, it cocks up occasionally (to my mind, all too frequently), but
people just reboot and get on with it.
The real problem for Microsoft is the fairly rapid progression from Vista to
Win 7. No business is going to bite on such rapid change to their desktops.
It's just too much churn to deal with.
The Public is merely a multiplied "me."
-- Mark Twain