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Re: [News] Academics Like to Share

After takin' a swig o' grog, 7 belched out
  this bit o' wisdom:

> Interesting. In the first days of the web, there was no google and everyone
> had links recommending other works and related material.
> The high quality ones were something you recommend to others.
> That scene seems to be going down hill with blogs, wikis and whatever else
> taking its place.

Keep the above in mind...

> May be the researchers should start keeping their own home pages
> and links to relevant works instead of relying on tools like search engines
> because they are the experts and know better than anyone else their 
> own subject and what is important and what is unimportant.

A nice idea, but how would you tell whether if was the former (blogs, wikis,
and other opinionated crap) or the latter (expert judgments).

You need a foolproof way to judge the size of the pepe.  :-D

There is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress.
		-- Mark Twain

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