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Re: Merck Corrupts More Entities to Become Advertisers, Google Seizes Library

On Aug 29, 10:36 pm, Moshe Goldfarb <moshegoldf...@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sat, 29 Aug 2009 22:22:45 -0400, DFS wrote:
> > Moshe Goldfarb wrote:
> >> Hoperfully he doesn't pull a Reiser.
> > You never know; CitizenJimserac(James Pannozzi) fancies himself a badass
> > goombah.
> > I joked to him "Jimmy's mommy didn't raise any Windows wimps, that's for
> > sure!" and he came back with "Thanks, you are correct, but how correct you
> > will never know."
> Incredible.
> >> Reiser's wife was a mail order bride you know.
> > It's sad that a sick Linux dweeb like that would murder a smart mother like
> > her, devastate the child and all their families, then lie on the stand for
> > months and waste taxpayer money and accuse her family of criminal
> > kidnapping, all the while knowing he hit her on the head like a chickenshit,
> > choked her to death, then buried her body in a dirt hole in the ground.
> > What a loser.
> And so typical of the Linux community.
> Not the murder part of course, but the oddball behavior.
> You know Reiser sat in court muttering about how his
> experimental file system which was on the laptop the authorities
> seized, couldn't be relied on and so forth.
> The jury probably thought he was a complete nut case.

Ha ha ha!   Moshe Goldfarb, you keep posting, I like your style.

I recently tried out ext4 on a Fedora Core 11 and quite impressed.

And... speaking of file systems,  did Microsoft ever deliver on their
new file system?  No?  Ah well, pity then.   Keep waiting and enjoy
testing it when it finally
gets "released"!

Cit J.

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