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Troll-Free COLA Stats: Saturday the 5th of September, 2009.

  • Subject: Troll-Free COLA Stats: Saturday the 5th of September, 2009.
  • From: "Homer" <usenet@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2009 09:00:39 +0100
  • Bytes: 12672
  • Cancel-lock: sha1:KWb7uRWIS7ps7uiEyA4Fx0r0//Y=
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Organization: Slated.org
  • User-agent: COLA Stats Engine
  • Xref: ellandroad.demon.co.uk comp.os.linux.advocacy:805074
ngstats.pl version 1.31

Written by Roy Culley.
Contributions from Mark Kent.
Modifications by Homer, 2007 - 2009.

This report covers 937 articles received by this system to
newsgroup comp.os.linux.advocacy [1]
Toplist of Posters

 Pos  Poster                                          Msgs   Bytes Quoted
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>     365 1061848     4%
   2. Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        74   68985    61%
   3. Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx>                            69   92963    82%
   4. JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                     45   64611    70%
   5. TomB <tommy.bongaerts@xxxxxxxxx>                  32   31118    64%
      7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>        32  109543    22%
   7. nessuno <nessuno7491@xxxxxxxxx>                   30   35383    44%
   8. Homer <usenet@xxxxxxxxxx>                         27   33799    19%
   9. High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@invalid.   24   74000    20%
  10. Peter KÃhlmann <Peter.Koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>      22   31332    74%
  11. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    21    9698    60%
  12. Terry Porter <linux-2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>            20   27820    31%
      bbgruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>                     20   28828    63%
  14. Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx>              17   31357    45%
  15. Marti van Lin <ml2mst@xxxxxxxxx>                  13   23284    40%
      ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx>                              13   22515    86%
  17. Gregory Shearman <ZekeGregory@xxxxxxxxxxxx>       12   10392    64%
  18. William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         11   18999    83%
      Sinister Midget <fardblossom@xxxxxxxxx>           11   14259    54%
  20. RonB <ronb02NOSPAM@xxxxxxxxx>                      8    8207    45%
  21. LEE Sau Dan <danlee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>    7    7598    39%
  22. Goblin <bytes4free@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 6    7196    63%
      Sinister Midget III <al@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>           6   10535    54%
  24. Ian Hilliard <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>             5    9473    83%
      Andrew Halliwell <spike1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>           5    3877    49%
      Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx>            5    7353    43%
      AZ Nomad <aznomad.3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>           5    6983    74%
      Tony(UK) <tony_smith100@xxxxxxxxxxx>               5    7073    61%
      philo <philo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                      5    5865    62%
  30. JeffM <jeffm_@xxxxxxxxx>                           2    1110    49%
Toplist of Subjects

 Pos  Subject                                                Msgs   Bytes
   1. The Seven Sins of Windows 7                              75   89098
   2. No need to suffer the pain of native Windows for y       29   34744
      [News] Australian defence spends $1.7m on ultimate       29   33623
   4. Microsoft's secret 'screw Google' meetings in D.C.       26   39219
   5. [News] Graphics/Visual Overhaul in Desktop GNU/Lin       20   29279
   6. Gnu/Linux passes the ultimate Attila-test!               19   23288
      The Attila Challenge: Word Processors                    19   25287
   8. Vista KSOD                                               18   15051
   9. Giggle, snicker, chuckle...                              17   28292
  10. ODF Compatibility between IBM Lotus Notes and Open       16   28863
      Sony Defaults to Google Chrome                           16   15997
      [News] "Windows 7" Just an Improved Vista                16   19244
  13. Torvalds' Hatred of Microsoft Critics is a Disease       14   19545
  14. Jetstar to deploy 3G netbooks at departure gates         13   23415
      Hardware upgrade the easy way: Linux                     13   24476
  16. Micoshaft shames journalists in court documents           9   35563
      [News] Snot Leopard Represents Stagnation at Apple        9   11593
  18. Conficker, back with a vengeance as top (WINDOWS O        8   13453
      "Its my party and I'll shill if I want to"                8    8238
  20. [News] LXDE (Desktop Environment) a Top Choice for        7    5233
      Going "Dutch" on Kill Filters                             7    5388
  22. Sheevaplug and nohup                                      6   41352
      A history of anticompetitive behaviour and consume        6    5733
      I want to like Windows...                                 6    3901
      "Windows 7" Just an Improved Vista                        6    7044
      Netbooks growing twice as fast as notebooks               6    7811
  27. [News] Sony Imperils Self with Linux Exclusion            5    7242
      More MS done deals behind closed government doors         5   10156
      [News] Kindle is Good Only When Hacked                    5    6603
      The easiest operating system to update is...              5    6118
Toplist of Most Replied To Posters

 Pos  Poster                                                         Msgs
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                     51
   2. Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       33
   3. TomB <tommy.bongaerts@xxxxxxxxx>                                 24
   4. nessuno <nessuno7491@xxxxxxxxx>                                  18
   5. Terry Porter <linux-2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                           17
   6. JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                    15
   7. High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          13
      Marti van Lin <ml2mst@xxxxxxxxx>                                 13
   9. Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx>                             11
  10. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                   10
  11. Peter KÃhlmann <Peter.Koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>                      8
      bbgruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                     8
      William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                         8
  14. Homer <usenet@xxxxxxxxxx>                                         7
      7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        7
  16. ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx>                                              6
  17. Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx>                                            5
      Goblin <bytes4free@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                5
  19. Ian Hilliard <nospam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                            4
      RonB <ronb02NOSPAM@xxxxxxxxx>                                     4
      Kelsey Bjarnason <kbjarnason@xxxxxxxxx>                           4
      Gregory Shearman <ZekeGregory@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                       4
  23. LEE Sau Dan <danlee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                   3
      Sinister Midget <fardblossom@xxxxxxxxx>                           3
      Sinister Midget III <al@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                          3
  26. SomeBloke <stuff@xxxxxxxxx>                                       2
      Jerry McBride <jmcbride@xxxxxxxxxx>                               2
      AZ Nomad <aznomad.3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                          2
      Tony(UK) <tony_smith100@xxxxxxxxxxx>                              2
      philo <philo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                     2
Toplist of 'Quality' Posters [2]

 Pos  Poster                                                        Index
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                    152
   2. Homer <usenet@xxxxxxxxxx>                                        75
      7 <website_has_email@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       75
   4. High Plains Thumper <highplainsthumper@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          72
   5. Rick <none@xxxxxxxxxx>                                           70
      Chris Ahlstrom <ahlstromc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       70
   7. Terry Porter <linux-2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                           68
   8. nessuno <nessuno7491@xxxxxxxxx>                                  67
   9. LEE Sau Dan <danlee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                  66
  10. Marti van Lin <ml2mst@xxxxxxxxx>                                 65
      Richard Rasker <spamtrap@xxxxxxxxxx>                             65
      JEDIDIAH <jedi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                    65
  13. RonB <ronb02NOSPAM@xxxxxxxxx>                                    64
  14. Sinister Midget <fardblossom@xxxxxxxxx>                          63
  15. chrisv <chrisv@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                   62
      bbgruff <bbgruff@xxxxxxxxxxx>                                    62
      Sinister Midget III <al@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                         62
  18. TomB <tommy.bongaerts@xxxxxxxxx>                                 61
      Gregory Shearman <ZekeGregory@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                      61
  20. Peter KÃhlmann <Peter.Koehlmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>                     60
  21. Goblin <bytes4free@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                               59
  22. William Poaster <wp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                        55
      ray <ray@xxxxxxxxxx>                                             55
Toplist of Newsreaders

 Pos  Newsreader                                                     Msgs
   1. KNode                                                           463
   2. slrn                                                            185
   3. Pan                                                             108
   4. Thunderbird                                                      95
   5. G2/1.0                                                           37
   6. Forte Agent                                                      21
   7. XPN                                                              11
   8. Gnus                                                              7
   9. tin                                                               5
  10. Mozilla                                                           1
      Hogwasher/4.3                                                     1
      COLA Stats Engine                                                 1
      Sylpheed                                                          1
[1]: Certain off-charter, abusive, anti-Linux or pro-Microsoft
     threads will be dropped, depending on their severity, and
     hence not included in the stats, which are provided by me
     as a measure of advocacy, not as a means of spreading the
     Trolls' lies and malice even further.
[2]: The poster 'quality' stats is based on:
       a) quoting: 100 - %'age quoted
       b) cross-posting: 100 - %'age cross-posted
       c) number of direct followups posters articles get
       d) troll feeding: 100 - 2.0 * %'age troll followups
       e) 75 deducted for known trolls
       f) for the humour impaired the quotes around 'quality'
          are intended to convey they are not to be taken too
          seriously :-)


| "Seek not the favour of the multitude; it is seldom got by honest 
|  and lawful means. But seek the testimony of few; and number not 
|  voices, but weigh them." ~ Immanuel Kant

Fedora release 8 (Werewolf) on sky, running kernel
 09:00:17 up 99 days, 12:58,  4 users,  load average: 0.67, 0.18, 0.06

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