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[News] Cunning Tricks for Censorship in Vietnam, Russia, Italy, Korea

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Vietnam Clamps Down On Bloggers And Online Journalists

,----[ Quote ]
| The Committee to Protect Journalists is condemning the recent arrests of 
| online journalists and political bloggers in Vietnam. 
| The crackdown comes as online journalists and bloggers independent reporting 
| challenges Vietnam's tightly censored state-run media's monopoly on local 
| news and opinion.  


Natalia Estemirova, champion of ordinary Chechens

,----[ Quote ]
| Natalia Estemirova was Chechnya's great champion of human rights until her 
| kidnap and murder last month.  


Umberto Eco leads writersâ revolt against Silvio Berlusconiâs attempt to gag

,----[ Quote ]
| Italyâs artistic and intellectual elite was in open revolt yesterday against 
| Silvio Berlusconiâs moves to sue at least three newspapers at home and 
| abroad. More than 120,000 people have signed an online petition defending 
| press freedom.   


Korea: copyright against censorship

,----[ Quote ]
| Just as South Korea prepares to spend more on protecting IP, copyright law 
| appears to have become a thorn in the side of the governmentâs historical 
| revisionism.  


MLB Refuses To Give Permission To Guy To Describe Game To A Friend

,----[ Quote ]
| Now, obviously, this is a bit of a joke (and a funny one), but it does 
| highlight a rather serious problem. Copyright holders are pretty regularly 
| claiming significantly more rights than they actually hold over content, and 
| many people simply assume that they can do this. This leads to them to think 
| that they don't have basic rights concerning not just "fair use" but stuff 
| that is obviously not covered by copyright, such as an "account of this 
| game." There really should be sanctions against such copyfraud.      



China's internet: the wild, wild East

,----[ Quote ]
| The government frequently cites pornography as the most important reason for
| China's controls on the Internet, but right now, the censors are particularly
| nervous for political reasons including the recent riots in Xinjiang, and the
| possibility of something going wrong on October 1, when the People's Republic
| celebrates the 60th anniversary of its founding.


China: Are Tibetan Bloggers Being Silenced?

,----[ Quote ]
| Quite alarming to report that all of the most popular Tibetan language blog
| hosting sites (except one) have been inaccessible for almost three weeks now.

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