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[News] Zimbra Keeps Growing in # of Users at Expense of Microsoft

  • Subject: [News] Zimbra Keeps Growing in # of Users at Expense of Microsoft
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 02 Oct 2009 07:24:05 +0100
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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Zimbra notches 100 percent growth

,----[ Quote ]
| Lost in the news of Zimbra's release of version 6.0 of its 
| collaboration suite is the importance of one very big number: 50 
| million. That's how many paid mailboxes Zimbra claims now, a 
| number that puts it within spitting distance of IBM Lotus Notes 
| (approximately 145 million paid mailboxes) and Microsoft Exchange 
| (approximately 175 million paid mailboxes). Whatever the truth to 
| rumors that Zimbra is up for sale, Zimbra is an appreciating 
| asset for Yahoo, not a depreciating one.


Yahoo's Open Source Zimbra Gets Social

,----[ Quote ]
| Social media services like Twitter are becoming increasingly 
| ingrained into our everyday computing experience. The latest push 
| is coming from Yahoo's new Zimbra Collaboration Suite (ZCS) 6.0 
| release, which includes direct integration of a Twitter client 
| together with enterprise e-mail and collaboration capabilities.



Yahoo! spruces open source Exchange rival

,----[ Quote ]
| Amidst rumors that Yahoo! is looking to sell the
| company, Zimbra has released a new version of its
| Exchange-battling open source email and
| collaboration platform.
| Available beginning today, version 6.0 of the
| Zimbra Collaboration Suite adds several
| administrator and mobile tools as well as
| countless tweaks to the client interface. This
| includes client-side changes meant to facilitate
| the addition of Zimlets, those community-created
| mini-apps that hook into outside web services.
| With one Zimlet, for instance, you can instantly
| open a Yahoo! map when a street address turns up
| in your inbox.


Yahoo Adds Zimbra to the Garage Sale as It Tries to Shed What Isnât âYou!â

,----[ Quote ]
| According to numerous sources, Yahoo has been shopping
| around Zimbra, the open-source email company it bought in
| late 2007 for $350 million.


Yahoo! to shed open source Exchange rival?

,----[ Quote ]
| According to All Things Digital, the web giant is looking
| to offload Zimbra, the open-source email and collaboration
| outfit it acquired just two years ago for $350m. Sources
| tell ATD that Comcast and Google are potential buyers.

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