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Re: News Corp. Weighs an Exclusive Alliance With Bing

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____/ nessuno on Tuesday 24 Nov 2009 14:54 : \____

> <Quote>
> This is not how business has been done on the World Wide Web.
> Microsoft has been in early discussions with the News Corporation, the
> media conglomerate controlled by Rupert Murdoch, about a pact to pay
> the News Corporation to remove links to its news content from Googleâs
> search engine and display them exclusively on Bing...
> If such an arrangement came to pass, it would be a watershed moment in
> the history of the Internet, and set off a fierce debate over the
> future of content online.
> The Webâs explosive growth has been driven, in part, by the open
> playing field it represents for consumers and businesses....
> A broad deal with media companies would be Microsoftâs most drastic
> measure to date â one in which it would be running a high-stakes
> experiment against Google, which also has deep pockets....
> Thus far, Microsoft has tried to drum up interest in its search
> service Bing, introduced in May, by presenting users with a more
> colorful interface and, where it can, more detailed results...
> Microsoft has also shown a willingness to tap its vast cash reserves
> and pay people who are willing to use its search service in favor of
> Googleâs. The company, for example, offers discounts on certain
> products that are located through a Bing search and has similar
> discount arrangements in place with online stores like eBay....
> Google does pay publishers for content, but in limited ways. For
> example, it has a deal with The Associated Press to carry the full
> text of its articles....
> To a large degree, however, Microsoftâs action could be seen as
> hostile to the traditions of Internet culture. Craig Newmark, the
> founder of Craigslist, argued that the Internet had tended to favor
> entities willing to share information rather than those trying to
> build barriers.
> âThe spirit of the Internet is about people working with each other,
> and that is part of the Google ethic. I think this move would
> strengthen Google.â
> </Quote>
> http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/24/technology/internet/24soft.html?_r=1&hpw

This must be the "new Microsoft"--a kinder, gentler one.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

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