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[News] Freedom and the Fogdom: Debate Revisited

  • Subject: [News] Freedom and the Fogdom: Debate Revisited
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 00:48:27 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Software Freedom

,----[ Quote ]
| We, free (libre, as in freedom) software 
| users are used to prefer open source 
| software over closed source, and I think 
| itâs great, Iâm not going to discuss about 
| that now though, thereâs plenty of 
| literature about that. My concern today is 
| about distributed services (some people 
| call it the cloud if you wish).
| [...]
| I think the inflection here comes to the 
| âAm I capable to install that service on 
| my own server?â. If we have an 
| alternative, itâs just our choice to be 
| using the distributed service or not. I 
| think we donât want to introduce people to 
| closed source software just because itâs 
| easy. Do we?


Freedom or Sponsors, Not Both? by Thomas King

,----[ Quote ]
| Does lack of membership to FSF and GNU 
| mean you donât support software Freedom? 
| Heavens, no! However, separating yourself 
| from them says there is something you 
| donât like about their stances and ideals. 
| Complaining that a pretty hard line 
| against closed, proprietary software might 
| hurt the feelings of the sponsors just 
| shouts that all bets are off, the doors 
| are being swung wide open, and corporate 
| interests are being put ahead of Freedom 
| and the overall community. Yes, the 
| Foundation needs money to operate, 
| granted, but at what cost? Should it bend 
| to the will of the sponsors to the point 
| it loses its identity in the process of 
| kowtowing?



Open Cloud Services & Co-operative Community Clouds

,----[ Quote ]
| First in regards to Open Cloud Services,
| basically the concept goes like this; as we
| move away from the traditional client/server
| based models of the past to more web centric
| / service oriented opportunities of the
| future, we will see open source shift from
| application centric (source code) toward free
| open services and information. Cloud
| providers will essentially give away access
| in return for greater adopt of their
| platforms / services, increased customer
| acquisition and to accelerated creation of
| data and information. Basically the same
| reasons companies open source their
| applications today, just applied in a cloud
| context.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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