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Re: Apple Malware Patent

Hash: SHA1

____/ GreyCloud on Tuesday 05 Jan 2010 22:59 : \____

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> ____/ Mark Kent on Monday 04 Jan 2010 12:16 : \____
>>> nessuno <nessuno7491@xxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>> On Jan 3, 12:42 pm, Mark Kent <mark.k...@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> Homer <use...@xxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>>>> Verily I say unto thee, that Chris Ahlstrom spake thusly:
>>>>>>> We have the best legislators money can buy!
>>>>>>> Now, excuse me whilst I render unto Caesar what is Caesar's....
>>>>>> I thought Emperor Obama usurped Caesar in a slaves' rebellion?
>>>>> I think Obama must be the first man in history whose first significant
>>>>> internationally impacting act *after* receiving the Nobel Peace Prize
>>>>> was to send 30,000 troups into a foreign country.
>>>> He didn't ask for the Nobel prize.  I don't think he wanted it.
>>> I didn't think that you could ask for one, and I certainly wouldn't have
>>> awarded this one had I had the choice.
>>> I think that the Nobel prize has been permanently undervalued by this
>>> precipitous and ill-advised move.
>> Maybe time will tell. It's the military industrial complex sending these
>> troops; Obama is hopeless when it comes to making decisions at the macro
>> level -- those he would deliberately avoid discussing before the election
>> (the PR team would guide him).
>> They would only show him evidence that's required to have him convinced that
>> he does the right thing. It was the same with Blair and Bush.
> Obama really isn't in the position to make these calls as people would
> believe him to be.  All of the above mentioned leaders, if that is what
> we want to call them, obey their orders from a higher unseen and
> nonpublic group of people.  It has been that way since EisenHower warned
> of the industrial military complex and the international banking system.

The banking industry funded Obama's election campaign (except the volunteers).

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

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