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Re: Former MySQL owner shoud bug off

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____/ Homer on Thursday 07 Jan 2010 23:40 : \____

> Verily I say unto thee, that George Orwell spake thusly:
>> http://standardsandfreedom.net/index.php/2010/01/05/monty-widenius-wants-another-billion-dollars-should-we-help-him/
> [quote]
> You might then ask, again, why would Monty want MySQL back, or separated
> from Oracle?  What would Monty Widenius, co-founder of MySQL, and
> recently an advisor of the Microsoftâs Codeplex Foundation <snip>
> [/quote]
> Mystery solved.
> Oracle assimilating MySQL might not /necessarily/ be good news for Free
> Software, but it /certainly/ won't be good news for the Vole, and that's
> good enough for me.

MySQL's CEO was among the first to pressure Kroes to _approve_.

- -- 
		~~ Best of wishes

"Monopoly raises two classes of problems for a free society. First, the 
existence of monopoly means a limitation on voluntary exchange through a 
reduction in the alternatives available to individuals. Second, the existence 
of monopoly raises the issue of âsocial responsibilityâ, as it has come to be 
called, of the monopolist."
		--Milton Friedman
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