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[News] New Details About Google's GNU/Linux Distribution

  • Subject: [News] New Details About Google's GNU/Linux Distribution
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2010 11:08:03 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
Hash: SHA1

Google's Chrome OS to include a media player

,----[ Quote ]
| Google has confirmed that its upcoming 
| lightweight, browser-centric Chrome OS 
| operating system will include a built-in 
| media player. In an interview with 
| ArsTechnica, Matthew Papakipos, the 
| engineering director for the Chrome OS 
| project, says that the developers are 
| currently working on "integrating a whole 
| media player into Chrome and into Chrome 
| OS". The Chrome browser, for example, 
| already includes support for Flash and HTML5 
| audio and video playback, however, users 
| also need to be able to "play JPEGs and MP3s 
| and PDFs and all that stuff when you're off 
| line" said Papakipos.


Google's Chrome OS: Tomorrow's Desktop Today?

,----[ Quote ]
| Sometime in 2010, Google will release Chrome 
| OS, its take on a netbook operating system. 
| It will be far more than just that though. 
| It's an entirely new take on the desktop 
| operating system. While a final version is 
| still months away from release there's 
| already enough of Chrome available that we 
| can begin to see what it's going to look 
| like. 
| [...]
| You also won't need to be on the Internet to 
| view or play some media files. We already 
| know that Chrome OS will be able to read 
| Adobe PDF files and play Adobe Flash videos. 
| Now, we know that Google is integrating a 
| media player into Chrome OS that will play 
| at least MP3 music files. It will surely 
| play other media file types as well, but 
| exactly what those will be we don't know 
| yet. We do know that you won't need to be on 
| the Internet to play them. So, for example, 
| if you have an MP4 movie on a USB stick, 
| you'll be able to watch it even if you're 
| not online. Again, the intent isn't to have 
| you click on a movie file and have a media 
| player pop-up to play it. Instead, the movie 
| will start playing in a browser window. 
| Chrome OS is all about integrating 
| everything into the Web browser experience. 


Web apps vs desktop apps

,----[ Quote ]
| Things to watch:
|     * Google Native Client
|     * Google Chrome OS
|     * HTML5
| Iâm sure there will be a lot of exciting events this year. Google 
| is planning to release a simple OS centered around web browsing and 
| web apps. It is intended for netbooks, but will surely impact the web 
| platform, by proving that the shift towards the web apps is already 
| happening today.


Platform Independent

,----[ Quote ]
| The sugar on top comes through with web applications. No matter what platform 
| I am running there are many online application suites that promise to bring us 
| OS independent applications. Google and Microsoft are both working on this, and
| in the future we can expect 
| more of it. What does this mean?



Google talks Chrome OS, HTML5, and the future of software

,----[ Quote ]
| I had done my best to sort out the why's
| and wherefore's of Google's first consumer
| OS effort in my initial launch coverage but
| I still had many questions about the past,
| present, and future of the project.
| [...]
| EB: The way that we've thought about this
| for a while is if you read the Chrome OS
| blog post that we did in July, and you read
| the Chrome browser blog post that we did in
| September in 2008, they're very similar.
| They're essentially the same thing. And the
| reason is because when we were building
| Chrome the browser, we realized that
| everyone is spending their time online. So
| essentially we were trying to build
| something that mimics this operating system
| feelâthere's a task manager in Chrome, and
| that was one of the early additions to
| Chrome.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


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