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[News] ACTA Conspirators March on with Excuses

  • Subject: [News] ACTA Conspirators March on with Excuses
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 07 Feb 2010 08:42:25 +0000
  • Followup-to: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
  • User-agent: KNode/4.3.1
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USTR suggests fears over ACTA are based on âmisconceptionsâ

,----[ Quote ]
| Documents leaked late last year containing 
| sections of the draft agreement led to 
| speculation that the treaty would focus 
| more on copyright reform, in light of 
| increased digitization, than on trademarks 
| and the fight against counterfeiting (see 
| âLeaks drive fears over ACTAâ). 


Report: Three-Strikes On ACTA Agenda

,----[ Quote ]
| Three-strikes style measures to tackle 
| illegal file-sharing are being secretly 
| discussed at the anti-counterfeiting trade 
| agreement (ACTA) talks in Mexico.


USTR Insists Gov't Isn't Keeping ACTA Secret

,----[ Quote ]
| Okay. Pick your jaws up off the floor. That 
| last sentence is so ridiculous and so 
| false; it's amazing he thought that he 
| could get away with it. Exactly which 
| governments have "sought public comments" 
| on ACTA? The answer? None. Why? Because no 
| government has yet revealed what ACTA is 
| officially. Hell, in the most recent ACTA 
| negotiations, held in Mexico, the 
| government wanted to force the public to 
| sign NDAs just to attend a public meeting, 
| and then had industry representatives 
| mocking public concerns and demanding that 
| a blogger leave the proceedings for live 
| Tweeting the meetings. Yes, "sought public 
| comments" indeed. Does he think that if he 
| says day is night people just believe him? 
| And the idea that the government is "far 
| from keeping [ACTA] secret" is pure 
| hogwash. A comparison of ACTA secrecy to 
| similar negotiations suggest that ACTA is 
| being kept exceptionally secret. 


Only Idiots Assume by Liam Mullone and Hils Barker


Digital Economy Bill bill could 'breach rights'

,----[ Quote ]
| An influential group of MPs and peers has 
| said the government's approach to illegal 
| file-sharing could breach the rights of 
| internet users.


UGA employee accused of extortion

,----[ Quote ]
| A UGA employee is accused of trying to bilk 
| money from students in exchange for 
| covering up alleged computer violations, 
| according to university police.



ACTA Attacks Internet! Let's Attack ACTA!

,----[ Quote ]
| Negotiations on the Anti-Counterfeiting
| Trade Agreement (ACTA)1 will take place
| from January 26th to January 29th in
| Mexico. ACTA aims at controlling the
| Internet, while conveniently circumventing
| democratic processes. Unelected negotiators
| - carrying out the orders of the
| entertainment industries - are attacking
| the very essence of the Internet. Let's
| attack ACTA! Let's expose its negotiators
| to make them face their responsibilities!


ACTA and three strikes

,----[ Quote ]
| Luc Devigne for instance advocates for the
| French âthree strikesâ rule concerning
| ISPs. Such measures are not yet part of the
| acquis communautaire, in fact in the course
| of the Telecom package such measures were
| generally rejected, though the European
| Parliament could not overrule the French
| national decision to implement such
| measures (âHadopiâ). Sarkozyâs Hadopi rules
| are in troublesome constitutional waters,
| we will see.


Early Day Motion Calling for ACTA Transparency

,----[ Quote ]
| Yesterday I was asking you to write to your
| MPs about the Digital Economy Bill. If you
| haven't already done that, perhaps you
| could tack on a request for them to support
| this Early Day Motion...


ACTA Guide, Part Three: Transparency and ACTA Secrecy

,----[ Quote ]
| Part Three of the ACTA Guide (Part One on
| the agreement itself, Part Two on the
| official and leaked documents) focuses on
| the issue that has dogged the proposed
| agreement since it was first announced -
| the lack of transparency associated with
| the text and the talks.  As yesterday's
| public letter from NDP MP Charlie Angus and
| the UK cross-party motion highlight,
| elected officials around the world have
| latched onto the transparency issue and
| demanded that their governments open ACTA
| to public scrutiny.  Reviewing the ACTA
| transparency issue involves several
| elements: the public concern with ACTA
| secrecy, the source of the secrecy, and the
| analysis of whether ACTA secrecy is common
| when compared to other intellectual
| property agreements.



,----[ Quote ]
| That this House is deeply concerned by the
| secrecy surrounding international
| negotiations on the Anti-Counterfeiting
| Trade Agreement (ACTA); notes that any
| agreement reached could affect the measures
| to protect copyright online currently being
| debated in the Digital Economy Bill;
| believes that if the companies affected by
| the agreement are party to the discussions
| and able to influence decisions,
| parliamentarians who represent the public
| and are responsible for legislation in
| these areas should also be kept up-to-date
| with developments and be able to contribute
| to the debate; seeks assurances from the
| Department for Business, Innovation and
| Skills that the provisions of the Digital
| Economy Bill will not be superseded by
| ACTA; and urges the Government to work to
| achieve release of details of the
| negotiations to hon. Members as soon as
| possible.


CTA: The new era of transparency

,----[ Quote ]
| How is that possible? It cannot be found out
| because the mandate is not made public. Magic,
| it reminds me of the charlatans who say they
| live without food and water supply, and it is
| their personal secret what makes them survive.


Activist ejected from "public" meeting on secret copyright treaty for tweeting

,----[ Quote ]
| The latest round of negotiations over the Anti
| Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA -- a
| secret treaty that contains provisions
| requiring nations to wiretap the Internet,
| force ISPs to spy on users, search laptops at
| the border, and disconnect whole households
| from the net on the basis of mere accusation
| of copyright infringement) is just kicking off
| in Mexico, and activists from around Mexico
| and the world have converged on the meeting to
| demand transparent, public negotiations of
| this critical treaty.


'Public' Consultation Over ACTA In Mexico Almost Required NDAs, Blogger Removed For Tweeting

,----[ Quote ]
| The room, then, was mostly industry people,
| who were apparently concerned as to why
| everyday citizens were in attendance, and they
| even booed a lawyer who questioned the human
| rights angle. As for Geraldine, she tried
| twittering the event, and the industry folks
| demanded she leave (and had a guard escort her
| out). It's almost like they're trying to make
| themselves into a caricature of businesses
| plotting to harm the public.


Obama Names Craig Mundie to Sci-Tech Advisory Council

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